*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Allow me to translate...."blah blah blah uninteresting incorrect spelling incorrect grammar blah blah giggle blah."

And don't forget that stupid word:


"I'm like so happy."
On road. My father, my brother, and myself are avid cyclists. Recently we have been trying to get our average speed up to 22 MPH.

My husband got into cycling when he was in high school. We did some riding together, then when he turned 30, he got interested in riding centuries. The one he set his sights on was the Blue Ridge Bridge to Bridge Incredible Challenge, at that time reputed to be the 2nd toughest ride on the East coast (after the Assault on Mt. Mitchell). He persuaded me to be his training buddy, and bought me a really nice bike. Light metallic blue aluminum Trek with 21 gears and white handlebar tape - I call it '"the Andorian," lol. Pretty bad when you're outclassed by your bike! We did several rides together, before the kids came along and we no longer could find the time. Lately, hubby has gone back to another interest of his youth - sailing. We'll see how long that lasts.

Cruising at 22 - that does take some real fitness. I was running about 18-20 when I was at my peak.
Do any of you old folks know how to dance? I went to a swing-dance thingy tonight, and had a blast watching all the elderly peeps dancing around.

My brother (three years older than me) took a ballroom dancing class to get extra units in college, he taught me how, it was a blast! The only dance that I didn't enjoy was tango, other than that it was fun!


My husband got into cycling when he was in high school. We did some riding together, then when he turned 30, he got interested in riding centuries. The one he set his sights on was the Blue Ridge Bridge to Bridge Incredible Challenge, at that time reputed to be the 2nd toughest ride on the East coast (after the Assault on Mt. Mitchell). He persuaded me to be his training buddy, and bought me a really nice bike. Light metallic blue aluminum Trek with 21 gears and white handlebar tape - I call it '"the Andorian," lol. Pretty bad when you're outclassed by your bike! We did several rides together, before the kids came along and we no longer could find the time. Lately, hubby has gone back to another interest of his youth - sailing. We'll see how long that lasts.

Cruising at 22 - that does take some real fitness. I was running about 18-20 when I was at my peak.

I did a century last year, my brother did it in 5 1/2 hours (including stops) and me and my father did it in six hours. It was called the Rivers Bridge Ramble. Very flat compared to what I like (I am a hilly type of person) but quite the challenge. I really want to go on The Assault of Mt. Michell, but we are moving from SC to NE. That sounds like a really nice bike! I have an R2000 Cannondale with a carbon fork. It is a lovely ride!
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Ugh! All these girls are dating so young and are going more for looks than soul!
And their going more for themselves, not for them and who could be their future hubby. It just makes me sad and upset...

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