*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

idk what to ttalk about...... my rabbit is due to give birth tomorrow

I've had some that played with hay for days before they kindled. They'd pile it first in this corner then in that, filling the nestbox and digging it all out. Reminded me of my mother rearranging the living room furniture!
Is this her first litter? I'm sure you know, most does make a hash of things the first time around. Not unlike human parents, in a way.
I've heard people say, "it's a shame you can't just throw the first one away, you know? Consider that one practice, or something.
Is this her first litter? I'm sure you know, most does make a hash of things the first time around. Not unlike human parents, in a way.
I've heard people say, "it's a shame you can't just throw the first one away, you know? Consider that one practice, or something.

Yes its her first but she is doing good so far i think she is about ready cuz she is on her nest right now and she is grunting and she is acting different
I'm getting rid of chickens to make room for more! And I'm also trying to get a call duck hen for my lonely drake. Can ducks get lonely? Not sure, but he's been kinda wimpy lately. Not biting as hard as he used to.
Anywhoo, enough with the babble, how is everybody?

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