Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

[COLOR=800000]all birds are different, but yes at that age if they aren't happy with the totem pole they will have crowing contests which is better than fights/scuffles [/COLOR]
[COLOR=800000]I'd remove the girls from the same pen with all those boys, once the boys decide they are ready to mate they will fight over the girls and all 3 will try having 'turns' which is rough and dangerous to the health of young pullets[/COLOR]

Thanks...They aren't fighting yet, since they have all grown up together. Today, I cleaned the coop so we can divide it into pens. It looks like that plan is getting implemented tomorrow!
Your silkie looks just like mine but we snipped her side feathers off because she was running into things no joke her face was covered in feathers but it was cute.
When it was feeding time she would chase me and run into my legs but she was running into the shed and concrete steps.
So to prep for the show, my girls had their nails clipped and Isadora's beak needed some trimming. They were both such good girls during the process, which made me love them even more. They are both a couple of sweethearts.
I had a photoshoot with my baby girls today, they just make me squeal with cuteness overload haha! How do they look? We have a show in 3 weeks, Nori's crest is growing back in so she looks a bit spiky in the head

I had a photoshoot with my baby girls today, they just make me squeal with cuteness overload haha! How do they look? We have a show in 3 weeks, Nori's crest is growing back in so she looks a bit spiky in the head

Great little splash pullet. She's got nice type and good wings. Cushion will hopefully fill in a bit more. Nice. :)
I posted these pictures on the regular silkie thread, so some of you guys might have seen them already.. Hoping to see what you guys think of my little pullet Phyllis who is now 20 weeks old.
Her colour is not this dark. Just wanted a toochie shot lol.
Giving the frilkie a weird look
Is this stance what you call presenting? She stands like this any time she is not scratching around. Good effort Phyllis :D I have entered two of my pullets for this weekend's fair.. Doubt they will do much with who they are up against. Also there are 38 silkies entered. At least it advertises that I keep silkies and breed them.. There's that.. :p
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This is my new splash partridge I got on loan from a friend. We call him Deuce an I just adore this roo!


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