Silkie death ;(

i am so sorry for your loss.
i love my silkies and keep them in pens for protection as they are so vulnerable with their large crests and gentle demeanor.
Thanks so much! My sillies only get to free-range when I'm out there. Him and his brother were in a pen made out of chain link, two layers of chicken wire and a top that was covered. The weird thing was I found coon poop in my duck pen. Why wouldn't he have eaten my ducks...? But I think that the silkie got out of his house to get a drink and his tail feathers were up against the chain link and then the coon grabbed his tailed and pulled him through peice by peice.:( I didn't find any feathers so the only way I knew he hadn't escaped some how was that I found that wing with teeth marks in the bone .
so sorry about your loss I can relate my neighbors dog killed my silkie on my porch and I saw it happen I felt terrible and I was also sick with an infection that had spread to my glands in my head so I couldn't do anything about it because I could barely walk. I am thankful for my 3 other silkies

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