Silkie thread!

@Chicken_tiger_catt -- curious why you want to breed a standard-size Plymouth Rock roo to a bantam Silkie hen? I know a breeder who breeds Satin Silkies (smooth feathers), Laced Silkies, and Showgirls, besides regular bearded and non-bearded Silkies. And in England they have standard full-size Silkies too. But I wonder what you're project is aiming for?
just figured it would look cool. also means one less expensive silkie to buy.
@Hinotori -- we're in the middle of our annual deluge too. So we've been keeping all birds in-house to keep Silkies from getting drenched. They think rain will run-off their feathers like standard chickens but they get soaked and cold! There's plenty of patio roofs and canopies for shelter but adventurous GINNY would rather walk through and drink from dirty rain puddles rather than drink from the clean coop waterer.

GINNY drying out after the rain - 2 years ago

SUZU drying out - 2 years ago

Meanwhile our 3 new Silkie chicks in the den are growing way too fast! LOVE these babies!
MIKA 2  02-02-2024.jpg

MIKA 5  02-02-2024  & OTHER CHICKS.jpg

MIKA 4  02-02-2024 & 0THER CHICKS.jpg
@Hinotori -- always enjoy your Partridges pics! My local Silkie breeder has Satin Silkies, Laced Silkies, and Showgirls but as cute or novel as those are I'm still partial to the regular bearded Partridges. Even though the Partridge we got from our seller gave us a non-bearded Partridge she has become my favorite new chick because of her funny personality. She still photo-bombs!
MIKA 4  02-02-2024 & 0THER CHICKS.jpg

And you're correct about non-bearded having better vision cuz periodically we have to trim around the eyes of our adult girls so that they'll spook less in their surroundings and stop shaking their heads or scratching their face to target their annoying facial fuzz.

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