Silkie thread!

Yeah SL Polish X Porcelain Silkie (Toulouse and Nori). I'm gonna hatch a few out this spring myself (hopefully!) and keep one, give one to me friend, and sell any others that hatch.

If I collect an egg but it's been sitting outside( been mid 30's) for a few hours, will it affect the viability of the egg? There was no egg at 7 this morning, but when I got home at 4 there was.

Those will be some pretty neat looking chicks, I bet! Make sure you post pictures when they hatch.

I can't imagine it should effect the egg if it sat around for a couple of hours in those temperatures.
Both my lavenders hatched with slightly darker stripes. The largest in the middle was my porcelain in this hatch.

Many of my self-blue look like this a hatch. The dark will go away but at maturity you made see some marbling or shading in the feathers that is considered a fault not a DQ. If you see any cream in them, one parent may have been carrying some blue cream (porcelain). I mark mine so I will know which ones were which so when the color goes I can make a better decision on how to breed them.
This is Jewel do you think she is a hen? and she is Broody
Such a beautiful girl. She looks young to me. All my hens get a little rough looking from the breeding pen.
This teeny pullet (she was a small chick at hatch and has remained the smallest silkie I have) doesn't have the hugest crest or cushion, but boy, she has the most adorable face! Totally in your face at all times. She is very interested in my phone, so most of my pictures of her end up like this. And unlike my huge crested and bearded girls, I think she is so curious because she can actually see
Everyone is still dirty from this week's rain, especially the poor hens, from being mated by wet-footed cockerels.


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