Silkie thread!

For some reason the other girls don't like these two so I moved them into their own quarters. They are very happy together.
Lucky girls!
i ould go with the aracaunas, they are smaller than the others.
i would try treating for a vitamin a deficiency. that can cause those symptoms.
Forgot to add in that I have been adding poultry vitamins to all their water for about 3 weeks. Trying to keep them super healthy after loosing one almost 2 months ago to vitamin deficiency :/ I'm stumped on what to do
can someone tell me what is the best % layer should be fed to silkies????
20% is good
Forgot to add in that I have been adding poultry vitamins to all their water for about 3 weeks. Trying to keep them super healthy after loosing one almost 2 months ago to vitamin deficiency :/ I'm stumped on what to do
Which vitamins? sav-a-chick?
Bought my first incubator! Have it running to check the temps. What should the temp be? Also how do you make humidity? It's a little giant still air incubator with an egg turner in it. I don't have a manual with it, I bought it used, so if anyone can give me a step by step on how to use it and the temp/humidity levels that would be awesome! I plan to set the eggs saturday so I am home if and when they hatch.
Bought my first incubator! Have it running to check the temps. What should the temp be? Also how do you make humidity? It's a little giant still air incubator with an egg turner in it. I don't have a manual with it, I bought it used, so if anyone can give me a step by step on how to use it and the temp/humidity levels that would be awesome! I plan to set the eggs saturday so I am home if and when they hatch.

PM Mumsy, she has an LG and has good success with it.
Jut wondering if anyone has any advice on adding new chicks to my Silkie flock? I have 2, 1 year old girls and I woud like to add a few more. I'm not sure how old the chicks should be, and what the best way is to introduce them. Thanks.

I think it depends on a few things.. I dont usually introduce mine until they are older, 5 months, because I dont vaccinate for Mareks. At that point I put them in adjoining pens so they get to "know" each other. I also put them out in the run with divider between them. after a while I put them out in the run together... making sure they have room to run away if they need to. Depends on the other hens lol! I have a few I can put anyone with and they would never do anything and others that will grab them by the feathers and not let go... If I were introducing younger ones I would divide a run where the little ones would have access to both sides but the big ones couldnt get through to the "safe" area :) Always keep an eye on the situation when introducing youngsters so no one gets hurt.

i posted last week about a 10 wk old chick with eye issues... They were swollen and sealing shut.. I've given antibiotics along with flushing it's eyes with saline for a week and a half and still no improvement :/ it is also half the size of its siblings.. I don't know what else to do.. It is separated from the others, eating/drinking normal and still has its vision..
Have you tried posting in the health needs section?
Bought my first incubator! Have it running to check the temps. What should the temp be? Also how do you make humidity? It's a little giant still air incubator with an egg turner in it. I don't have a manual with it, I bought it used, so if anyone can give me a step by step on how to use it and the temp/humidity levels that would be awesome! I plan to set the eggs saturday so I am home if and when they hatch.
I have the same thing, LG still air with automatic turner. I've had mixed experiences with it. Some hatches have been fine, others have had a high percentage of crippled chicks. I find it hard to keep a persistent humidity (those little water troughs in the bottom don't cut it, I've always ended up adding wet sponges or rags). And I don't know if it's just mine, but it leaks water through the bottom. However, cons aside, it has faithfully hatched me chicks. I still prefer broody hens. I actually have one chicken hen on 5 turkey eggs, and another silkie has gone broody. I think I'll give her some turkey eggs as well
gotta love hatching season!
Bought my first incubator! Have it running to check the temps. What should the temp be? Also how do you make humidity? It's a little giant still air incubator with an egg turner in it. I don't have a manual with it, I bought it used, so if anyone can give me a step by step on how to use it and the temp/humidity levels that would be awesome! I plan to set the eggs saturday so I am home if and when they hatch.
I have used a still air LG for over twenty five years. I can get 100% hatches out of it but it takes some pimping out to get it set up right. And you need good eggs from good breeders. Your incubator hatches will only be as good as the eggs you set in them.

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