Silkie thread!

What color is this little girl?

This is her when she was a chick. People said she looked like a regular partridge, but I thought she was a blue partridge.

This is her now. She is blue with red leaks but she kinda looks cuckoo. she is a mess.

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Finished the Silkie coop yesterday. They are investigating the ramp and a couple have used it. It's a very low incline, so I think they will do just fine. I was also wondering if any of you would know why one of my hens would lay three eggs the first couple of days we got her, but hasn't layed anything in the couple of weeks since. Apparently she layed every day-ish at her old home. She isn't egg bound, or broody. Could it be just normal spastic silkie laying?

The new coop.
Oh, thank you! So I think the arrangement I have planned will work very well for them. For the run, I am putting sand down first and then plan to put
pine shavings down to help them stay clean. I hope to do a little showing and I want to try to keep them in good condition. What chick starter do you use for your silkies? I raise jersey giants and light Sussex, so I'm only used to feeding the big birds.
Diane in Texas
I was privileged to visit Karen at her farm and I can tell you that she has ramps in quite a few of her breeding pens. The hens and cocks go up and down them. She uses shavings in her pens. So do I in a DL System. Silkies adapt to the conditions you raise them in.

A picture I took last year at Catdance Farm of one of the Buff pens. See the ramp on the right with a hen at the top in the entrance to a the second level?
Some of my silkies are getting really dirty, especially when it rains. I want to keep them clean, and will probably give them a bath. But how do I keep them clean? I have a roost for them that is low to the ground, but they wont use it. They prefer to sleep in a dog house I have in their pen that is on the dirt. Should I put hay or pine shavings in their dog house?
After much research this morning I'm beginning to think I have two splash chicks from this hatch back in June...was curious as to what you guys thought....

Here they are as chicks

Here they are from today (5wks old)

Oh, thank you! So I think the arrangement I have planned will work very well for them. For the run, I am putting sand down first and then plan to put
pine shavings down to help them stay clean. I hope to do a little showing and I want to try to keep them in good condition. What chick starter do you use for your silkies? I raise jersey giants and light Sussex, so I'm only used to feeding the big birds.
Diane in Texas
You are welcome. I like to keep my silkies clean and in good condition too even though I'm not showing yet. I like my birds to be looking like they could be in a matter of months. I tried sand in the breeding pens but it was hard for me to sift it each and every day with the kitty scoop. It works but I just didn't like doing it. I have pens and cages that I can use for show conditioning individual birds. Some have wire floors, some I use shavings. These pens are at face level and are lit with lights. I can keep them clean easily and food and water dishes are hung from the front so the bedding isn't messed with spilt feed and water. When I'm getting ready to show, they will have any broken wing feathers gently pulled so new perfect ones can grow in. Before showing I will have them bathed and powdered. Baby powder on the bum and feet helps keep the area cleaner. This is part of my plan. Showing Silkies is an art in conditioning. Everyone has their favorite ways.

I feed my chicks fermented unmedicated chick starter that I add Greek yogurt and some herbs and seeds to to help get them pecking at their food early. I start them day two out of the incubator. They get a clump of sod from the barnyard to peck at grass and wiggly things starting week one. It helps start building immunities. My chicks are raised in a separate area from the main barn and flock. For at least two months. Sometimes three. This also helps them build immunities.
I feed my adult and juvie Silkies the same thing as my heritage RIR, turkeys, and layers. I ferment turkey/gamebird grower. Adding many herbs and seeds for various reasons. Their feathers come in lush and high gloss. My Silkie hens and pullets have 100% fertility right now. A batch is hatching in the incubator and three hens are brooding.
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Quote: Very nice. I am very partial to Partridge Silkies.

I haven't heard of a book specific to Silkies - all the information (except about the Flock Raiser) is from all chickens. The Flock Raiser information I got right here, on this thread! There is a lot of information about Silkies on this thread (I started from the beginning, few pages a day) or the Silkie Genetics and Showing thread
How soon can you tell from a picture the sex of a silkie? I got this one a couple weeks ago and it should almost 3 weeks old. The seller told me she was pretty sure it was a rooster. When I asked her how she could tell she held him over on his back, he pushed his feet out away from his body. She then picked up a bird she had told me was a hen and when she did the same it pulled it's feet in close to it's body. She said a rooster will push his feet out and a hen will pull them in. Ok??

This little baby does have only 1 long fuzzy piece that sticks out on the back of this head. But he does seem to act like a rooster.
Sorry, that is a myth. It does work 50% of the time
Your bird is too young to tell what sex it is. Wait another 4-6 months and then look at the head feathers. The wing feather sexing does not work on Silkies either, I tried that. I have had some very pushy girls, and some very passive boys so that didn't work either... Only way to tell for sure is if they lay an egg - then they are female. Crowing doesn't always work either - some hens will crow.
Finished the Silkie coop yesterday. They are investigating the ramp and a couple have used it. It's a very low incline, so I think they will do just fine. I was also wondering if any of you would know why one of my hens would lay three eggs the first couple of days we got her, but hasn't layed anything in the couple of weeks since. Apparently she layed every day-ish at her old home. She isn't egg bound, or broody. Could it be just normal spastic silkie laying?

The new coop.
Nice coop.

Sometimes when you bring a bird home she will lay the eggs "already in the chute" and then won't lay until she gets used to the new place. Any disturbance will upset their routine, and they may quit laying again. Once they are secure in their location they will start laying - but if you keep moving them (like new coop) you can expect the waiting time to start over again.
Incubator hatching chicks by my Catdance cockerel and Sheryl Butler pullets! Seven out of the egg! Five in the brooder, two drying off in the bator, and two more pipped. They are looking so healthy and I'm loving them already.

Five vaulted skulls in seven chicks and they hatched on their own.

Three by Miss Peggy and two by Miss Posey. Two by Miss Bonney need to dry before pictures.

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