Silkie thread!

Well, I think my little head trauma pullet has peaked in improvement. She is still not showing signs of eating or drinking on her own. I'm giving here until the end of the month...that will be two months of tube feeding her.

They are at that adorable stage. People say gawky teen-agers, I say so darn cute! They don't stay in a line any more for kisses, do they

Is that a Porcelain girl on the right hand side of both these pictures? Low stance, and really nice dark buff coloring on that one. I think I see a Porcelain BOY standing tall in the back of the bottom one. The top center Porcelain has a really nice stance too. I love it when they look like minis of what they will be growed up..
Hahaha, I do think if I lined them up against a wall they might stay for a picture
I still make noises at them so they will all face the camera for pictures.

That is a rooster on the right. The two porcelain chicks with the most buff are both roosters. Your right, the one in the back standing tall is a porcelain rooster. The little one in between the two with the most buff, on the right in the first picture is a pullet. She has the most buff and has been my favorite from hatch. I really like the porcelain boy's profile that is lavender (not seeing buff) with darker lavender wings. I wonder if I could breed him to the lavender pullet and get some nice lavender chicks without leakage?
Well I don't know, and you won't know until you try it. Since you only got one Lav I would keep the clean Porcelain boy with her and see what you get.

I like the low dark buff Porcelain boy on the right - is that the same one that had the most color as a chick? Or is it the pullet that had the most color... You ARE keeping track of who is who - right????
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Well I don't know, and you won't know until you try it. Since you only got one Lav I would keep the clean Porcelain boy with her and see what you get.

I like the low dark buff Porcelain boy on the right - is that the same one that had the most color as a chick? Or is it the pullet that had the most color... You ARE keeping track of who is who - right????
That darkest boy is my favorite too
The two darkest porcelain boys were the two darkest chicks at hatch. The lavender porcelain boy was solid lavender at hatch. He really could have been mistaken for a pure lavender. I have kept tract visually on the chicks development, but not by marking them. The only ones that I lost track of are one of the porcelain pullets (she has less buff than the other pullet) and the two porcelain cockerels that have less buff. I took lots of pictures, so I'll bet I could match them to their chick pictures. There colors have stayed pretty consistent with their down color at hatch.

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