Silkie thread!

You're the one who posted it on Facebook too! Haha. If there's qualities you love about it then why not? Leakage usually goes with males, but you have females to get it, too. Hope that helps.
Yep that was me. :) I will keep him regardless. He was my little guy who couldn't walk when he was born, and got a lot of human attention. He loves people, so he stays with us, whether we use him for breeding or not. If he turns out to be a girl, I will be shocked, but Im pretty sure he is all boy.
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Okay guys, my black 11 week old is getting silver leakage in the hackles and feet. Beautiful chick, just has leakage. Can I use him/her for breeding at all?

If you are breeding Black I would not use it. If you are breeding Silver Partridge fine. If you are not breeding for any recognized colors, fine.

And I agree, he is a boy.
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A few pictures
One of my cockerels, hatched this year. He was quite the ugly duckling at first, but he's filling out pretty nicely.He has nice, tight wings. His crest is a bit disappointing, however.

And a pullet of the same age. Not too impressed with her, but she's not totally terrible. Rather sparse middle toe feathering, and also is lacking in the butt fluff area. She has an okay head.

I got a new camera for Christmas, so of course my chickens were my first subjects.

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