Silkie thread!

I have never routinely had silkies hatch early, nor have any other bantams I have hatched.  Incubation temperature/humidity can cause early or late hatches, but there are usually problems and lower hatch rates with both of those scenarios.
We are excited but definitely not going to interfere...they are under a little momma and with candling as our indication are right on track. :D Little fuzz butts are worth the wait!!
Jangle just passed away in my arms
Rest in peace sweet baby girl...


I'm pretty new to chickens so please forgive me if this is a totally stupid question but what do you do with an abundance of silkies?  Do you eat them?  Are they easily rehomed?  I know full size chickens are regularly processed but I can't imagine eating a silkie! 

I currently have three I got "by accident" and am having to drive for several hours to rehome the boy (sob!) but I watch this thread and see a bunch of you happily hatching away.  Doing the math, you can't really keep all the boys you hatch, can you?

I belong to a club where we hold swaps regularly on the weekends in warm weather. I sell off my boys and girls that I decide I don't want to keep. I pick out the best and sell the rest. I don't always keep all the best. I just keep what I need to improve my pens or simply add to them.  I normally hatch all winter and by spring I know who is staying except for the younger ones. I will make my first initial picks after they are about a week old. I let those grow out to about 3 months old and I make my final picks from those.  I'll sell a boy for as little as $5 just to find him a home. If I can't get them sold by mid summer they go to the auction house which I haven't had to do at all this past year. Thank goodness. I really hate to resort to the auction house. I don't like how they are treated since I am careful with them myself. They just yank them out of the cages and hold them up by a wing. I do still have a couple that the splash hens hatched but they will stay till I find new owners. I'm not desperate.

Wished we lived where people raise Silkies. In New York State there are very very few breeders. It is difficult to purchase Silkies.

The club website lists 12 breeders in New York state; that's a heck of a lot more than are in Arizona.  And that 12 does not count folks from neighboring states...  However, many folks purchase their birds and have them mailed to them, or arrange a purchase and pick up birds at a show they attend...
Thanks for the info....12 breeders in New York State. How can I find them? Sorry to be so uninformed. Am NEW to Chickens and am learning. Aria
Not sure, could have been a number of things =( Add on the very bad weather we've been having (-10 with strong winds, 35 and raining, and now 4 and strong winds again...) and it's been a recipe for disaster...
I have, against my better judgement, brought all of mine inside. The large flock is doing okay in the barn, but all of the silkies are stinking up my house. When it gets a little warmer thaey are going outside. I got super paranoid with the high winds and 17 inches of snow, on top of it getting to -20 last night. This is crazy weather.I hope the rest of your silkies do okay in this cold.

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