Silkie thread!

I have 2 silkies one is white and one is black, my white silkie is always keeping her body low to the ground and never extends her legs to walk. I always thought it was a vision problem because she walks around in her coop but she still keeps her body low to the ground. She has done this all of her life, does anyone know what is wrong or if this is normal?

You need to post some pics of her legs and feet. Chickens can also have deformities .
What are the pros and cons of DE?

Hi Mickey Lou 04 - Re DE

BENEFITS: Of course, if you visit actual DE websites they tout the benefits of Food Grade White DE (not the clay gray or yellowish) they will claim it is good for humans or any animals to ingest for health benefits. Many tout it's good for bedbug control if sprinkled on mattresses or around bed floor posts for the bugs to crawl over and eventually die. For poultry it's suggested to dust their skin or put into their dustbaths or nestboxes for lice/mite control. Some suggest to sprinkle a small amount into their food for worm control. Some suggest using it around garden beds against snail or worms or ants.

CONS: Apparently the crustaceous DE are like microscopic sharp crystals that cut into the worms/insects bodies and eventually dehydrates them. There is a warning label if DE gets into the eyes or is breathed into the lungs that goggles and a mask has to be worn to prevent inhaling. Because of this dangerous warning, many poultry owners said that same danger is relevant to chickens as well who would get the DE into their eyes or inhale the DE from either their feed, nestboxes or their dustbaths. Also, the same cutting effect DE has on worms/bugs would also indicate internal cutting damage to humans or animals as well. Also, many reviews who said they used DE for bug control in either bedding, gardens, or around their house foundations found no noticeable effects that the DE was killing or controlling insects. Using DE wasn't effectively fast-acting enough.

See my dilemma? Before considering the possible benefits of a substance, I need to follow the strength of the warnings first - so here I sit w/ a 10-lb bag of white DE waiting for more poultry owners' input. You'll get some input of owners who generously use it on their breeders and others who warn vehemently against using it anywhere near humans or pets.
I have 2 silkies one is white and one is black, my white silkie is always keeping her body low to the ground and never extends her legs to walk. I always thought it was a vision problem because she walks around in her coop but she still keeps her body low to the ground. She has done this all of her life, does anyone know what is wrong or if this is normal?

I have 2 Silkies that are so fluffy it's hard to see how they walk because their underfluff practically hugs the ground when they move.

If ur girl has walked this way all her life this is a funny time to start wondering about it LOL - could be something genetic she's had since birth. Sounds like she's doing fine if she's getting around. Maybe someone else on this thread has had a similar experience to share.

Meanwhile, If u really are concerned, spend the $40-50 for a vet visit to get confirmation. It costs more than a bag of feed to visit a vet but it's better than stressing out IMO. I personally think my pet Silkies are worth the visit - Smiles :) When u find a vet/or avian willing to see chickens, he/she is worth her weight in gold. My vet originally opened practice for dogs/cats/exotic birds but the dog/cats took over his practice. Years later I contacted his office and asked if he would see my Silkie and got the warmest welcome - plus I was satisfied w/ his thorough exam of her. A vet might advertise only dogs or cats but many know about birds too if u can't find an actual avian vet nearby.
I've used ash in my dust baths for a decade, never had respiratory problems, however there is an argument against DE for that very reason.

Fancychooklady - Thanx 4 the input. Eyes and respiratory are my 2 reasons for holding off on the use of DE. I believe the ash in moderation could be beneficial maybe just a LITTLE. However, we had a dumped pile of wood ash mixed in the ground and the chickens avoided dusting in that area. So now I'm thinking just plain straight backyard dirt w/ a little sand to soften it is all I'll use in my dust-bath box for the chickens. Since my preventative measure of using Poultry Protector on their bodies and nestboxes seems to protect them from lice I probably should leave well enough alone in their dust baths!
Bath night for Jingle and Holly

I had planned to take pictures this morning to ask for help sexing my four little ones.............
Then.........I heard the most pathetic crow coming from the brooder.....................:gig
OMG, I laughed so hard....................He really needs practice..................Aren't they just a panic............
Still planning to get pic's. and post later today..........
He ( the crower) is all the wrong colors but he does not know...............Thinks he is a show Silkie
from his posture and attitude.............He is black with bright red and lots of it................Hope I can find someone not interested in breeding
to just love him.......................:D
Awe cute!! How old is your little dude? Can't wait to see the pictures!
How cute! Now there IS a white Silkie somewhere in the snow? We never knew we had a cockerel til he crowed & mounted his sister! Sadly, he was returned to the breeder who originally said he was a pullet!

Hen or roo?

How old is this little cutie?
I am going the say hen...we have one that looked just like yours everybody said boy...but guess what?!? 27 weeks old she laid an egg! ;)

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