Silkie thread!

Thanks silkie2001 :) So you think the Blue looking one is a lavender? I thought lavenders were really light? I do hope your right that the light one is a splash though or even a lavender :) But that buff with the grey back throws me off. Will it stay buff, but will have a darker back or something? 

I think it will just be a buff. The blackish grey color might stay there, but I don't think it will change the whole buff color.

Love the "hair"!

Can anyone suggest a person that I can purchase hatching eggs from? I would like to get a mixture (BBS, partridge, etc). Thanks!
Have you ever tried Craigslist? In your earlier post you were looking for eggs that are not terribly costly and not SQ. The thing with hatching eggs, though, even if you get eggs from SQ stock, it doesn't mean that every chick that hatches will be a SQ bird.
I know there are a lot of people selling eggs on the forum here, at least there used to. lol And, there are lots of Silkie groups on Facebook with people that sell eggs!

Here are some pics of my babies I took yesterday at not even 12hrs old. I dont know if the camera flash might be tweaking the lighting at all, but I hope you can still make out their colors. I will take more as they grow :)

Looking at these chick pictures make me have the worst chick fever!! LOL I have eggs in the incubator, 8 seem to be fertile. A week and a half left to hatch. Why can't I just fast forward the time to hatching day???
I know the feeling, I have been just adoring these lil chickies in the brooder since they got here. I am still impressed by how quickly insticts kick in and they start eating/drinking and scratching around near the food at only 15hrs old. It's so cute, lol. I cant wait to see what these colors transform into. :) I havent decided if I want to breed these guys when they grow up or not. I have a feeling im going to become so obsessed, that im not surprised if I do lol.
A funny thing happened last night.
We decided it was time to give the kids a bath since they're going in their new coop tomorrow.
They should have gone out last weekend, but two weekends of rain messed up those plans and set construction back.
Anyway, I was pulling each one out and handing them one by one to my wife behind me, where she placed them in a plastic tub to stage for washing and I got to the last one, who we have thought was a rooster.
He knew something was up because he was the last one in the brooder and he was sitting on the perch.
All of a sudden he let out a crow which startled all of us including him.
My Wife was in the other room and yelled out 'what was that!? to which I said that I thought he crowed.
About that time he did again two more times and The other kids looked startled and we both got a good laugh.
They aren't but about 9 weeks old and I didn't think a silkie rooster that age could crow yet, but I don't know since this is our first go around.
One thing's for sure, I don't think he fully understood what he had just done based on the way he looked after he did it.
It was sort of a did that just come out of me? look, lol

Oh and on the sleeping subject, although there's a perch in the brooder, they all sleep in a pile and a not too carefully arranged one at that.
The first time we saw them like that we had a momentary reaction of uh oh, what's wrong with them?
15 Minutes later they were running around like crazy people.

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