Silkie thread!

Thanks ChickenLady2014! It is summer here so it gets really hot, they like to hide under the orange tree for shade during the day
Do silkie Roos make decent protectors for the hens?

One of my Silky cockerels is already VERY protective of my Silky female as well as of one of my Barred Rock females. He's as sweet as can be with me, but puffs up like a prize fighter if anything threatens his favorite girls and will stand between then and any perceived danger. My other Silkie cockerel doesn't seem to know that the girls even exist...and they're both only 11 weeks old! So I guess the potential is there, but personality is a variable.
Okay, That's good to know! I used to have 2 hens and they made a lot of noise like bok bok b-cawk (mostly when they were about to lay eggs) and cute whiny sounds
but if silkies only make quiet cooing sounds then that's perfect!
Okay, That's good to know! I used to have 2 hens  and they made a lot of noise like bok bok b-cawk (mostly when they were about to lay eggs) and cute whiny sounds :)  but if silkies only make quiet cooing sounds then that's perfect!

My white Silkie hen makes the loud egg laying song and the whiny. She is louder than the boys when it comes to egg laying time. The partridge babbles on too for quite awhile before she lays, they both just started so maybe with time they'll not be so vocal.
Do silkie Roos make decent protectors for the hens?
Mine really can't see all that well to make the best protectors from raptors flying over head. In my opinion, no silkie is safe without over head protection outside. However, I do have silkie roos that make GREAT protectors against ME! ha! When I walk in a pen, they are flat out determined I will not mess with their hens. They can see my feet quite clearly. ;)

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