Silkie thread!

LOL! I just found out that my Silkies like to run in the rain. Here I am busting my hump to set up additional shelter from the rain and turn around to find my one Silkie pullet and two cockerels showering, preening, and having an all-around good time in the rain while the rest of my flock (Australorps and Barred Rocks) watch them silently from the safe, dry environment of the coop. I was so amused watching them that I forgot I was getting drenched standing out in the rain. 

Be mindful that unlike your other birds , silkies have no feather shaft , and therefore no water repellency . If they get wet to the bone and don't dry before night you may have health issues. We are in the middle of a heat wave here and mine stand under a tree whilst I hose it. They enjoy the water trickling down on them .
But in this heat they will dry in 10 mins.
Be mindful that unlike your other birds , silkies have no feather shaft , and therefore no water repellency . If they get wet to the bone and don't dry before night you may have health issues. We are in the middle of a heat wave here and mine stand under a tree whilst I hose it. They enjoy the water trickling down on them .
But in this heat they will dry in 10 mins.

Good to know! Thank you!
Little Jerry jumping for watermelon

I have a question. I have some 4 week old, and 6 week old silkies I am getting ready to move into the garage. They've been in my bathroom with the temp 75. But they need more space and it's time to move them to the garage or shed. My question though is, what temp should it be in their brooder? I set it all up, and the temp is reading 68-70 right under the lamp. The bedding doesent even feel warm. It's cold out there but drops in the 10-20s at night. When the garage door opens several times throughout the day, I see the temp drops 65-68 under the lamp. So what temp is ideal for babies this age? Will they be fine or should I lower their lamp and raise the temp? I don't want to get them used to too much heat. They've been used to room temp. I do also worry about the bulb burning out over night and chilling them. So I'm hoping if it's just enough heat, then they'd be able to huddle to keep warm till I noticed it and got a new one. They are just too big, and I can't get away with keeping them in the house anymore. Hubby says garage, or shed. So what temp should I shoot for to make sure they are comfortable? Thanks
I have a question. I have some 4 week old, and 6 week old silkies I am getting ready to move into the garage. They've been in my bathroom with the temp 75. But they need more space and it's time to move them to the garage or shed. My question though is, what temp should it be in their brooder? I set it all up, and the temp is reading 68-70 right under the lamp. The bedding doesent even feel warm. It's cold out there but drops in the 10-20s at night. When the garage door opens several times throughout the day, I see the temp drops 65-68 under the lamp. So what temp is ideal for babies this age? Will they be fine or should I lower their lamp and raise the temp? I don't want to get them used to too much heat. They've been used to room temp. I do also worry about the bulb burning out over night and chilling them. So I'm hoping if it's just enough heat, then they'd be able to huddle to keep warm till I noticed it and got a new one. They are just too big, and I can't get away with keeping them in the house anymore. Hubby says garage, or shed. So what temp should I shoot for to make sure they are comfortable? Thanks

At 4 weeks of age you should be aiming for 70-75 . It's important to make the brooder draught free to minimize sudden drops in temp.
At 4 weeks of age you should be aiming for 70-75 . It's important to make the brooder draught free to minimize sudden drops in temp.
Ok. There is 2 four week olds, and 4 six weeks olds in together. I havent figured out how to make it draft free yet. It's staying about 72 under the light in there until someone opens the garage door and then it drops around 68. I can probably drape some wood or blanket over half the top of the pen or something to help seal in some heat.
Ok. There is 2 four week olds, and 4 six weeks olds in together. I havent figured out how to make it draft free yet. It's staying about 72 under the light in there until someone opens the garage door and then it drops around 68. I can probably drape some wood or blanket over half the top of the pen or something to help seal in some heat. 

Just be very cautious about the fire hazard. Also be sure to keep spare heat lamp bulbs on hand. Mine always blow in the middle of the night or on long weekend. I keep mine in the laundry where I can tell in an instant if the lamp is on . ( I use infra red )
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right it's my first time on this website. I do know I'm excited to talk to some silkie lovers because I'm obsessed with my silkies!


My 2 Silkies are Black and Partridge. Black is a practical color in the yard but so is the Partridge coloring. Our Partridge girl is our dainty quiet one with gorgeous speckled partridge wing feathers. However her tail and crest are like two pouffy pompadours!
  • Sylvester017 that is so awesome that your silkies do that. I havent seen mine trim each other yet, haha. I shall watch out for it

I haven't come across anyone else that has Silkies that do it either. Don't know if it's just my two Silkies that trim tunnels for each other's eyes or if no one else has bothered to mention if their Silkies do it too? It's definitely not feather-picking -- mine confine the gentle nibbling just around the eyes -- they don't pick on any other feathers. I've had LF that did downright crest/beard/muff yanking on both my Silkies and poor muffed Ameraucana, or the mean hens pulled out crests/beards on flockmates during roost. But these two Silkies nibble each other almost like a greeting. There's only a couple times when these two don't get along and will stay away from each other -- either when one or both are hormonally broody or when they're molting.

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