Silkie thread!

Thank you. Truly. :D I can't wait to see how your chick turns out too! I found the old pic's of my Grey Silkies. I wish I still had them. They got sick suddenly and didn't make it. I never got any babies from them. Seeing the pic's makes me want Silver Partridge again! The pic's are when they were three months old to five months. Stinkus and Binkus. Three months old. They had wing barring like your chick. Stinkus was magnificent. I wish I still had him.
They are just amazing! I love this color! WOW! Very sorry you lost them. This is a Gray not Silver partridge? I would think partridge with the barring. If you find more like them please let me know I want to get eggs from you.
who would be interested in some silkie eggs? in the pen i have black roo over blk,buff,blue paint and lavender

I'd be interested. But i don't have any more coop room.
Found a new silkie today to add to my flock. The girl at tsc was trying to check wings for hens I don't know if it works but I appreciate the offer. This one looks different than my 2 whites its down looks like it could be maybe a buff and white paint or splash
I have a quick question when I picked up my newest chicks at tractor supply, there's 2 girls that know me pretty well there, one of them brought some standard chick out and asked if id take it home poor thing has cross beak and 1 eye. Is there anything I can do to help this chick live or would it be best to let nature take its course its such a sweet chick and I feel so sorry for it so of course I said id take it home
They are just amazing! I love this color! WOW! Very sorry you lost them. This is a Gray not Silver partridge? I would think partridge with the barring. If you find more like them please let me know I want to get eggs from you.

Thank you.
The breeder I bought them from told me they were Gray's. It takes the silver partridge genes to get them. I'm pretty sure that there isn't a single partridge gene. It must come in sets and of course silver must be in there somewhere. Or I could be messed up in my understanding. Sonoran Silkies (Suze) used to have Grays' I think. Maybe I'll do a forum search for her explanations. The standard for Gray silkies calls for all over chinchilla body color.

You can even see barring on the pullets fluff!

She was so pretty.
Penciled wing feathers is not desirable. Not sure about barring. Or is it the other way around? I no longer remember. I did adore these birds and was crushed to lose them both. I don't know anyone with Gray's or Silver Partridge for that matter. But I haven't looked hard yet either. I don't even know how to start a pen from scratch. I was thinking of trying with the pens I have. It might take me the rest of my life though. Easier to find a breeder with an established program me thinks. I live in Washington. Between here and Oregon there are plenty of top notch silkie breeders. I'm sure there are Gray's out there. I wish Karen Larson of Catdance had them. I'd be there tomorrow.
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