Silkie thread!

Oh, I'm so glad Tweety is doing better!!! Sadly my little chick didn't make it.
She just got weaker and weaker and she refused to eat. But I still thank God for the time I got to spend with her and for choosing me to be the one who got to love her and enjoy her for the short time I had her. I do really miss her, though! She was SO SWEET! She loved to be held and when I put my hand in the incubator she would hop right into it.

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. It breaks your heart when you lose one of these little guys. Adleast she is not suffering..
I'm having a lot of trouble with one of my young paint pullets. She has pendulous crop. I made her a sling to help support her crop, but she can't walk or even hold herself up with it on. Is anyone more familiar with this or has ideas for treatment?
I'm having a lot of trouble with one of my young paint pullets. She has pendulous crop. I made her a sling to help support her crop, but she can't walk or even hold herself up with it on. Is anyone more familiar with this or has ideas for treatment?

You can massage her crop and help some of it drain and then put the crop bra on, but is the bra tighter as it is made to be that way so it helps hold he crop closer to the body to help it drain easier.
I'm getting a couple of silkies later today, feeling very excited, but slightly worried,
There around 6 weeks old, will they get up the little ramp? Do not have to teach them? When will I know what sex they are? How long will it take before they can mix with my other ex battery hens! Iv read every thing up on them but still worried. Not had young chickens before , was hoping for a bit older ones but these are the only ones on sell in my area.
They arnt going to probably go up the ramp for about a week, and yes you might have to teach them how to go in, you can start to tell the sex once they are about 2-3 months or older, and I have had mine in with the big chickens since they were about 3 months, and if you were hoping for older ones the person selling them doesn't have any older ones they would sell? But with youn ex battery hens I would keep an eye on the silkies because silkies are a really calm breed. I am so glad that some people care to save those poor ex battery hens from factory farms.
I love my ex battery hens , quit hard to get them to settle in as their so scared, but so worth it seeing them blossom, iv also got 2 black rock which were rescued from near death found on a allotment . Iv got a seperete set up for baby's and going to let them get use to each other when the others are out grazing , so they can see them though the caged run.

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