Silkie thread!

I've never had any luck adding any cockerel over 4 months to a group containing a mature rooster. I always separate the boys into the bachelor pen around 12 weeks.

So I have no idea how to help
So hard on choices to keep. This 17 week pullet has good wings, crest, and body. (She's a little freaked with the cat around in this picture.) Foot feathering isn't as heavy as I like. She should be good for my breeding program though.

So I have a question about reintroducing my 6 month old cockerel. About a month ago he was getting pretty feisty so I moved him to his own pen to mellow out. That has worked pretty good but now when I let the chickens out together in the yard my rooster and hen chase him and are aggressive toward him. He has always been kind of the out cast as he is from my first hatch and I waited to long to introduce them into the flock and they got picked on. I really, really want to keep him. My plan was to leave him separated until we finish the coop expansion and re introduce him when there is more space and areas to get away, however if they are like this during free time in the yard what is it going to be like in a closed coop/run. Right now my flock is only (1) hen and (1) rooster, (2) 3-4month old pullets, this cockerel and 14 chicks I'm growing out. My plan is I would like to keep 10-12 hens and 2 roosters in my 28 foot x 8 foot Coop/Run. Will he eventually be accepted? What recommendations do you have to aid in getting him accepted.

If you have a dog crate can put in the coop/run them and have him in it so they can see him but not get to him, that will help. I have added numerous adult roos to my flock, even a very mellow one eyed guy. It takes a lot of patience. They will fight when they're first introduced. As long as it's not bloody, let them duke it out. They will sort their pecking order then all should calm down. Of course it all depends on the flock too.
So I have a question about reintroducing my 6 month old cockerel. About a month ago he was getting pretty feisty so I moved him to his own pen to mellow out. That has worked pretty good but now when I let the chickens out together in the yard my rooster and hen chase him and are aggressive toward him. He has always been kind of the out cast as he is from my first hatch and I waited to long to introduce them into the flock and they got picked on. I really, really want to keep him. My plan was to leave him separated until we finish the coop expansion and re introduce him when there is more space and areas to get away, however if they are like this during free time in the yard what is it going to be like in a closed coop/run. Right now my flock is only (1) hen and (1) rooster, (2) 3-4month old pullets, this cockerel and 14 chicks I'm growing out. My plan is I would like to keep 10-12 hens and 2 roosters in my 28 foot x 8 foot Coop/Run. Will he eventually be accepted? What recommendations do you have to aid in getting him accepted.
I would put him with a few hens on there own for a few weeks...
So I've found it funny that my silkie crosses seem to have inherited mostly just the silkie mentality. Even though they have normal feathers, they don't fly

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