Silkie thread!

My guess would be a roo. Cute little guy

Looks like a Roo to me
It started actually raining for the first time for most of my silkies and they were fine inside the first two days. The third day I had chores and spent a lot of time outside and they thought that was a good idea too. Now they are hanging outside all day and totally soaked and muddy. How long is it ok for them to stay wet? It is so misty out they don't seem to dry overnight. At what temperature should I not allow them out in the rain? It has been in the 50's at night but it is going to drop. I know they can get wet but you'd think they'd be tired of it by now. I tried to put them back inside and they just come right back out.
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sager:)silkies :

dont know i have the book called american standerd of perfection it says alot about silkies

The new book about silkies is called Silkie and Silkie Bantams. It can be ordered through the American Silkie Bantam Club. It's not cheap, but it's a very nice book. Lots and lots of pictures and information.​
I think I will add this to my Christmas wish list. That's a nice looking paint on the cover too.
Hi Ms. Huey I'm glad you are feeling better..... I'm not sure that this is allowed, if it's not please tell me and I'll delete, But i've been taking more pics of our silkies and hope it's okay to share a link.....There are pics of course are on our "for sale" ads. Well here goes and I hope the link works! Love my silkies sooo,,,,,, I'm afraid the other birds might be getting jealous.....

I just found that I'm going to be out of town when about 45 silkies are due to go into lockdown and hatching~!!~~.....Hubby will be in charge of them.... But I'm coming here to see if one of you will please volunteer to help him during the hatch....? Please... He is Farm Fresh Eggs (spaces in between) just found out that there's a new FarmFreshEggs (no spaces!) but that's NOT him....

Okay now for pics....

I'll be visiting here as often as I can as I want to become more and more knowledgeable about our beautiful birds.... Have a blessed day. Nancy

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