Silkie thread!

Hi guys,

I'm back from the Congress and wanted to share my Babies with you all. Some did better than others and one I had to scratch b/c my cockrel had a big scratch on his comb and an even bigger scabby thingy not looking pretty.

Here are some pic's. Sorry so pic heavy but, I'm so proud of them and wanted to share

P.S. the judge mis-marked her card. She won 2nd in her Black Non-Bearded Pullet division and got Res. Var. out of all Black Non-Bearded silkies.
Here she is again below giving me the stink eye for not giving her enough food!!!! lol

And here is my poor little awesome white pullet that would not stand for the judge so he would not place her. Talk about being really bummed!!!!

Here's one of my other gals that did not place either. I was bummed about her too but, I still love her

I can sure see why you had such a awesome trip!! That is sooooo sad about your little pullet not standing for the judge. She is so gorgeous!
Thank you yes I had a great time and thankfully this show is only 55 mins from my house! As for the little white pullet well, the judge was a bit grouchy and All he would say is she would not Show or Stand for him therefore no placing. She is very timid and actually when handled is very calm. So the only thing I can say is she was just not comfortable. I think the more I show her the better I will do I hope. Also, I am going to work on her vision with people and put her up in a cage at eye level to see if she can get a better grip on intereaction. It was recomended by another judge. I hope it works if not I will keep her for at home but, what a shame

Beth G-- great pictures and CONGRATULATIONS on your wins! Looks like you did really well. I agree, that little white pullet looks amazing. What was the deal with her not standing? Was she acting flighty? I have a black pullet that is all wings and sharp feet the second you try to pick her up. But she does calm down. I was worried about how she behaves... Anyway, looks like you had a great time! Definitely not a waste of your time! :)

SagerSilkie, that's great that your little guy is feeling so much better--- and so quickly! I wonder if it wasn't him being sick, but maybe built up humidity and dirty chips in his pen?? I have no clue, but that is REALLY fast for him to recover like that. It usually takes a lot longer. Have you checked for mold?
Congratulations Beth they all look great
Ohh and lastly I forgot to take a picture of my little black bearded silkie pullet! I'm a bad momma I guess!!! Here is what she looks like and she won 2nd in her divsion out of quite a few black bearded silkie pullets!!!

Just cause I forgot doesn't mean I don't love her
Hi Beth,
It was great finally getting to meet up at the show. The girls look great, I'm so proud to see my fluffy kids doing well. Good luck with the new girls as well!
Hi everyone.
I have some questions about culling. I have hatched, and am now growing out about 40-50 silkie chicks. I plan to narrow it down tremendously by spring. I have culled for eye color and toe spacing as of now. They range in age from 3.5 months to 2 weeks. At what age can you cull for conformation? I don't want to cull to early, but there are some that I don't think will ever be anything but PQ. Is it too early to make that decision on some?

Also, I read a lot about silkie conformation and the standards. Is there a photo or drawing somewhere that shows all the parts they are describing? Like, where is the cushion? That is one I have not been able to figure out.

I have a question for all you silkie experts. I only have 3 adult Silkies right now. A grey roo, a white hen, and a black hen. I hatched 1 chick in Oct from them. At first it appeared to be blue, but now it looks black. Is it just a really dark blue? I am assuming that it is from my black hen because I would think that if it was from the white hen, it would be white. Anyways, here are the pics of my Silkies and the chick.
Grey Roo:

White hen:

Black hen:

Chick(when it first hatched):

Chick at 3 months old:

Foot feathering on chick:

Any feedback or advice would be appreciated. I am concentrating on my Phoenix bantams and d'Uccles right now, but I do plan on getting more Silkies this year. Right now they are just pets for the kids and fun to have around. I would like to eventually start showing them.

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