Silkie thread!

I am new to the board and I have a new-found Silkie addiction. Love seeing all of the lovely Silkies and reading the stories of them. I currently have 7 Silkies and am planning on getting some eggs to hatch out. My whole family loves them even my husband who likes chickens but has never been particularly interested in them.
here are a few of my new friends. I love many of the colors but only have Buff, Blue and Partridge right now....

I am new to the board and I have a new-found Silkie addiction. Love seeing all of the lovely Silkies and reading the stories of them. I currently have 7 Silkies and am planning on getting some eggs to hatch out. My whole family loves them even my husband who likes chickens but has never been particularly interested in them.
here are a few of my new friends. I love many of the colors but only have Buff, Blue and Partridge right now....

You have some really pretty girls! I love that pile of buffs! Soooo cute!
I hope I don't make myself sound like a complete idiot but I'm wondering if anyone has ever used hair gel to lift the crest so free-rangers can see? I don't want to clip/trim him. I've tried tape and bands but it won't stay put. Is there any reason anybody can think of not to try the hair gel???
I also wonder about "hair" care. I actually trimmed several of them around the eyes as best I could and have it look natural. It seemed to me that they could not see anything at all and after I did it they started moving around much more freely and eating better. What about a tiny rubberband?
I hope I don't make myself sound like a complete idiot but I'm wondering if anyone has ever used hair gel to lift the crest so free-rangers can see? I don't want to clip/trim him. I've tried tape and bands but it won't stay put. Is there any reason anybody can think of not to try the hair gel???
I have tried hair gel and it didn't do much but I got it a the dollar store so maybe you get what you pay for. I've been told that unflavored gelatin works great and rinses right out. So you might try that.
I am new to the board and I have a new-found Silkie addiction. Love seeing all of the lovely Silkies and reading the stories of them. I currently have 7 Silkies and am planning on getting some eggs to hatch out. My whole family loves them even my husband who likes chickens but has never been particularly interested in them.
here are a few of my new friends. I love many of the colors but only have Buff, Blue and Partridge right now....

Very nice looking flock! All pretty!
Just a quick pic (that took 2 hours to upload here!), of my 4.5 week olds. This was only their second trip outside, and it amazes me how their instincts about predators kicks in! A Lunar moth came flying over the X-pen, and swooped in on them. Woody, the Partridge boy on the left, let out a warning screech, and they all hit the ground, face first and on their bellies, with their wings stretched out, and FROZE!
If I hadn't seen it happen and walked up onto that scene, I would've thought I had 6 dead chicks! Oh my, was that hilarious!!

The Partridge girl on the right is out of a Splash mom, yes, I watched her lay it! Can't wait to see what color she turns into, she is so much paler in her background color than the rest of my Parti kids. She also has some nice stenciling on her wings, which you probably can't see here..

So pretty...and, I want one of those moveable pens. That would be so great. I have been thinking, what would be best for my Silkies when I want to let them out on the lawn..hmmm, this would be great. Probably can find the panels at any Lowes....we have Lowes here.
So pretty...and, I want one of those moveable pens. That would be so great. I have been thinking, what would be best for my Silkies when I want to let them out on the lawn..hmmm, this would be great. Probably can find the panels at any Lowes....we have Lowes here.

Those pens remind me of the exercise pens for dogs. I was thinking of buying one of those recently.

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