Silkie thread!

Hello! I'm loving my 4 BO babies and would like to add a silkie. Do they all have the great furnishings (not sure the technical term for all their feathers on their head and legs) or is that only some varieties? I see online some aren't as heavily feathered but perhaps that's an age issue also? Are they friendly for the most part? I have kids and don't mind shy birds but def don't want aggressive birds. Thanks!!!
I'm so sorry, but you really can't add just one.
Just kidding!! Silkies are wonderful with children. They become like limp puppies with lots of handling. Hatchery silkies and feed store silkies don't have the beautiful crests that breeders raise and don't often have the very fluffy feet that makes them so charming. Silkies don't develop much crest until 10 to 12 weeks.
Hello! I'm loving my 4 BO babies and would like to add a silkie. Do they all have the great furnishings (not sure the technical term for all their feathers on their head and legs) or is that only some varieties? I see online some aren't as heavily feathered but perhaps that's an age issue also? Are they friendly for the most part? I have kids and don't mind shy birds but def don't want aggressive birds. Thanks!!!
If you want the poof and heavily featheres legs/toes, stay away from hatchery birds, and buy from a Silkie breeder. Mine have all been sweethearts except for two little snot cockerels! I find, if you pick them up and carry them around with you while doing chores, they tend to adjust their attitudes. Still, because of their size, they are a mild threat even to children. All I have to do is look at the one teenager cockerel now, and he knows better than to drop that wing to me, or he will be doing chores!
Hello! I'm loving my 4 BO babies and would like to add a silkie. Do they all have the great furnishings (not sure the technical term for all their feathers on their head and legs) or is that only some varieties? I see online some aren't as heavily feathered but perhaps that's an age issue also? Are they friendly for the most part? I have kids and don't mind shy birds but def don't want aggressive birds. Thanks!!!
Sounds like everyone else already chimed in! But yeah, the crest is the pouf of feathers on their head and their fluffy feet is what makes them cute. I'd hook up with a breeder and hatch a few eggs if you don't mind getting cockerels and then at least that way, you'd get some super cute and fluffy silkies. They are great with kids. Mine use them in 4-H and agreed--- the more you handle them, you can then pick them up with one hand and they just go limp. They love to be handled. The cockerels can be fiesty, but really, they are small, and no biggie. My cockerel ONLY goes off and attacks when the girls are screeching and he thinks they are under attack. So I usually pick him up first and then grab someone else and then I set him back down and all is well. Even with the cockerels having a bit of an attitude, they are adorable and sweet to be handled, too. My cockerel enjoys being held. But don't buy these guys from a hatchery if you are wanting the nice big fluffy birds. If you can find a breeder in your area, you could probably get a really fluffy pet quality for pretty cheap.
Einstein is looking soooo great! That name always makes me think boy but I think you have a girl there. It has really been fun watching "Ernestine" grow up. Scrabbled is really changing aso and looking pretty fluffy these days!

Thank you so much! I know the name is totally a boy name, Im terrible about that. I had 2 Mastiffs, both females that i named Dozer & Tank! Im a mess. I just pick names I like. We have been out of town the last 3 days, I came home and all my chicks had grown and changed so much!!! My little Einstein is getting a poofy butt! LOL, more of a tail, but its getting real rounded. Scrambled is looking a little better....still kinda funky looking thou! A very weird shape!
Thank you! I wish that I could let them free- range more, but here there are minks and raccoons. But my girls seem happy and they like to come to me when I have treats!! The first pic, the one being held was taken today and she loves to be held and cuddled!
I am scared to death to let mine free range! Too many hawks, cats, and dogs that do and don't recognize them as chickens! So, I go and pick them their greenage every night. Right now the blackberries are starting to ripen, and my White male, Bossy, (my avatar), let's me know it, as they are right outside of his run. So, tonight I picked a bunch of ripe blackberries for him and his women and chicks. OMG, you should've seen the scramble!! I sure hope poor Bossy got at least one. He is such a gentleman, he calls the girls and chicks over to the treats, and stands back and let's them have it all. He is the proud Papa, and when the 6 chicks get cold or scared, they all huddle in between his legs! That's getting kind of crazy now, as they are about 2 1/2 weeks and growing like weeds; not enough room for all of them at once, but there he stands and shelters them all. It is so nice to be able to finally watch, learn, and enjoy chicken behavior! I have never had that luxury before, nor have I ever had broodies! They have a very close family dynamic going on there, it's amazing to me...

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