Silkie thread!

Sklyer scrambled is far from pretty she gorgeous i love her rich coloring! Again love your pictures

Thank you! Thank you!
I use the Diatomaceous earth in my coop. It not only kills the flies, but dries up the poop really quickly so there is no smell. It is also suppose to kill lice and mites and when they eat it, kills parasites. I really like it. Make sure you get the food grade kind. I do the deep litter method and so far it has worked great. Probably won't have to clean the coop until Sept! And, then most of that is already partially composted and will go into my compost until next spring.

When we got new chicks a few weeks ago. we had an outbreak of mites all over the chicks. These chicks were in the house. I picked up a chick and noticed the mites crawling on my hand!!! So I took DE, dipped my finger into it, and wiped it under each wing, and on their butts. Then we cleaned the crate, washed with clorox solution and replaced all the shavings. Then we sprinkle the shavings with PBZ. We don't use DE in the house because it makes a HUGE mess. I mean HUGE dust mess. We have not had any mites since. It dehydrates them and kills the mites. We use PBZ in the poop box. Its the consistency of cat liter and it has DE in it, I think. Its less dusty and it absorbs good. Although the DE seems to keep the smell down better in the floor of the coop. I mix it with the sand. Kills ants and the PBZ kills spiders too!
When we got new chicks a few weeks ago. we had an outbreak of mites all over the chicks. These chicks were in the house. I picked up a chick and noticed the mites crawling on my hand!!! So I took DE, dipped my finger into it, and wiped it under each wing, and on their butts. Then we cleaned the crate, washed with clorox solution and replaced all the shavings. Then we sprinkle the shavings with PBZ. We don't use DE in the house because it makes a HUGE mess. I mean HUGE dust mess. We have not had any mites since. It dehydrates them and kills the mites. We use PBZ in the poop box. Its the consistency of cat liter and it has DE in it, I think. Its less dusty and it absorbs good. Although the DE seems to keep the smell down better in the floor of the coop. I mix it with the sand. Kills ants and the PBZ kills spiders too!
Can you tell us, or at least me, what PBZ is?? Thanks! We have had an outbreak of flies here in Biblical proportions this year! I dusted the coop and runs with DE, and the flies are all dancing in it! Didn't help that the neighbor brought up about 30 head of calves, and feeds them right behind my coop!
We've kept chickens for three years now. We started out with brown egg layers of various sorts. We spent many a month scooping out chicken poop. When everyone got tired of the chicken project, I took over. I use the deep litter method, DE and Oxine AH. No more stink, no more flies, no more dust, and no more parasites. My reward is to keep the birds of my choice. And I choose silkies!
We've kept chickens for three years now. We started out with brown egg layers of various sorts. We spent many a month scooping out chicken poop. When everyone got tired of the chicken project, I took over. I use the deep litter method, DE and Oxine AH. No more stink, no more flies, no more dust, and no more parasites. My reward is to keep the birds of my choice. And I choose silkies!
What a beauty!!
I've been using DE for awhile now. It's a dissicate. It's a natural, pesticide free way to control parasites. I spread it on bedding and in the dusting boxes.
Hi. Wanting to put out some dusting boxes for my girls. They take dirt baths in the dirt area of their run but I would like to have boxes to cut back their digging. What do you put in the boxes though. I was thinking sand, but what kind specifically? Thanks :)
I have some picture updates today. Got a few funny ones too! I decided to let the silkie chicks out today since I know I can catch them and they can't fly over our fence!

Trinity putting Einstein in the sandbox.

Einstein playing hide from Trinity!

Trying to keep from Trinity feeding him sand!

Scrambled, finally getting a little prettier...

Einstein just browsing around the yard!

I LOVE these! Gorgeous!
I'm slightly disappointed. I set 15 silkies eggs that I ordered on ebay and threw out five tonight. Two infertile, two blood rings, and one that just didn't look right. There is still one that I think is bad, but I'm just keeping it to be sure. I sure do hope the other little guys hang in there.

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