Silkie thread!

what kind of layers do you all have that get along with silkies?? I'm sick of the Wyandottes in particular, they are just down right mean to everyone except themselves and the rocks. The rocks are a little better, but not by a whole lot. I've contemplated getting rid of these and getting a layer that is more gentle with other breeds, especially with cresteds, because I don't want to separate out my Polish. I have far more Polish than layers. BUT-- I like the color of the brown eggs, so I still want brown egg layers... I read how everyone else has layers that get along with their birds and that is not happening here... at ALL. Sigh.
I also keep my silkies seperate from my LF in a 4 foot fenced in area with a seperate coop (I built out of a big dog house). I have a PBR, BO and RIR in that "pecking" order. My Rocky is very bossy and will peck her sisters to keep them in line -but has never drawn blood. Then I have 3 pullets...2 EE's and a Welsummer that fly INTO the silkie enclosure to get away from the LF. These 3 pullets also eat from the silkies feeders and waterers, but have never been aggressive toward the silkies. I watch them closely and will take action against them if they hurt the silkies. They would rather have their feet pecked by the silkies than risk intimidation by the LF girls. They realized a long time ago that the silkies have bad aim and don't peck very hard.

I hope you can get your Wyandottes under control.
Oh, boy! They're all popping out left and right now!
Now I have 4 chicks and looked like 4 more zipping.
There are 2 splashes, one white and my one and only buff that literally just plopped out of it's egg as I went to pick up the hen to see what was happening with the eggs. I think the black, paint and partridge eggs were the ones zipping.

I swear this little one is saying "Hey, you. Yeah you! Put me back down!"

This one is priceless. A little chicky hug.

There's grumpy pants again in the back and the one in the front came out of a white egg. It just looks awfully reddish. Must be from being inside of the egg for all those days. lol

And grumpy again. Maybe that's what I should call this chick. We already have a zedonk at the farm named Fancy Pants, also known as Cranky Pants. Why not have a Grumpy Pants too?

Oh, boy! They're all popping out left and right now!
Now I have 4 chicks and looked like 4 more zipping.
There are 2 splashes, one white and my one and only buff that literally just plopped out of it's egg as I went to pick up the hen to see what was happening with the eggs. I think the black, paint and partridge eggs were the ones zipping.

I swear this little one is saying "Hey, you. Yeah you! Put me back down!"

This one is priceless. A little chicky hug.

There's grumpy pants again in the back and the one in the front came out of a white egg. It just looks awfully reddish. Must be from being inside of the egg for all those days. lol

And grumpy again. Maybe that's what I should call this chick. We already have a zedonk at the farm named Fancy Pants, also known as Cranky Pants. Why not have a Grumpy Pants too?

Great fun photos!!
So what really goes into the paint breeding? I understand that they don't always breed true. This is because it is such a "new" color, correct?
I think I got a partridge chick out of a paint egg? Is that possible? I'm about 95% sure it was a paint egg. lol This egg had had a small crack in it and I put a piece of tape over it and of course it covered the lettering on the egg. You could still see the "P" by the tape..I'm pretty sure it was the paint egg though, as I only had 2 of them.
I'll take pictures later when the little one dries up more.

And a hatching question to go with this one!
When do you know your chick needs help getting out of the egg when using a broody hen? And what's the difference if the egg was in an incubator?
How long is too long for a chick to stay in the egg and what can be done to safely get the little one out?
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I like looking at pictures of birds. = ) So.....Just thought I would share some I took of my birds upon returning from a show in June 2012. As you can see, the sun was setting and the lighting made for some neat pictures.


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