Silkie thread!

Does anyone know if there is evidence that a bigger combed rooster has better fertility? I had a friend (who breeds silkies) tell me that. Now, I'm curious if those of you who breed have found this true in your flocks?

My BB that became Bullet (after crowing a couple of times) still has a small comb at 6 months, about the size of a pea. If Bullet is a rooster, I hope he can still do his job and not "shoot blanks"! I've heard that roosters keep growing into their "glory" until after a year old.

My porcelain cockerel is barely 4 mths., has a large comb and already acting like a year old roo. My blue roo had a very small comb at six months and did not breed until 10 mths. He had a large comb by that time.
When your blue roo (mentioned above) finally developed his comb and began mating was he a top roo, equal roo or did he get picked on? Also, do you know if he has offspring? Your blue roo seems most like my Bullet. Maybe they just develop differently like people.
So I found my.first case of mites on one of my new silkies. While I ran to town to get some flea and tick shampoo; I put some sieving dust on her vent where I.found them and some under her wings. I gave her the bathe. Sprinkled some sevin in the coop. Here is my question should I bathe the other 5 she is housed with? I did not find any on them. Also they are all quarantine since I just got them 2 weeks ago. I am going to rake out the coop and run and sprinkle with sevin as well. Probably tomorrow since it is getting late. Plus I wanted to find out if I should treat the others.
Hey peep so the pictures that I posted look way off on color. Would my Porcelain be lavender?
Ill post the picks. Anyone that wsnts to comment please do

No lavender/self-blue is an even shade of pale blue throughout. I think your porcelain cockerel is a better color than the one I just posted. Mine just has really nice type. :)
Sonoran has mentioned this too. But I've heard it from more places than just her! I think there is some very real merit in large combs, because I have read this over and over again (not just on BYC). I don't know if there has actually been a study done by a University or not... but I would bet this is something that has just been observed over and over again by breeders over the years that have come to this same conclusion.

You know what they say about large combs...LOL
So I found my.first case of mites on one of my new silkies. While I ran to town to get some flea and tick shampoo; I put some sieving dust on her vent where I.found them and some under her wings. I gave her the bathe. Sprinkled some sevin in the coop. Here is my question should I bathe the other 5 she is housed with? I did not find any on them. Also they are all quarantine since I just got them 2 weeks ago. I am going to rake out the coop and run and sprinkle with sevin as well. Probably tomorrow since it is getting late. Plus I wanted to find out if I should treat the others.
You don't have to bathe all of them. But DO dust all of them with Sevin dust. On their necks, backs, under wings and around the vent. Do each bird and you should be good to go! Check again in 2-3 weeks and dust again at that time. :)

You know what they say about large combs...LOL
So I found my.first case of mites on one of my new silkies. While I ran to town to get some flea and tick shampoo; I put some sieving dust on her vent where I.found them and some under her wings. I gave her the bathe. Sprinkled some sevin in the coop. Here is my question should I bathe the other 5 she is housed with? I did not find any on them. Also they are all quarantine since I just got them 2 weeks ago. I am going to rake out the coop and run and sprinkle with sevin as well. Probably tomorrow since it is getting late. Plus I wanted to find out if I should treat the others.

On this thread, Hawkeye has had success using Sevin. It would be a good idea to remove your silkie from the coop and put her in a separate quarantine area. Preventive treatment of the others may be worth considering. Some mites can be almost microscopic in size and are very hard to see by the naked eye, especially against the dark skin of silkies. Even if you dont see the mites, they may be on the other silkies. Changing the bedding in the coop would also be a good idea. Good luck!
On this thread, Hawkeye has had success using Sevin. It would be a good idea to remove your silkie from the coop and put her in a separate quarantine area. Preventive treatment of the others may be worth considering. Some mites can be almost microscopic in size and are very hard to see by the naked eye, especially against the dark skin of silkies. Even if you dont see the mites, they may be on the other silkies. Changing the bedding in the coop would also be a good idea. Good luck!

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