Silkie thread!

Similiar but behind the wing mine did not have.that gray/blue coloring. I am not sure if I took pictures of them as a chick. They are about 7 weeks now, but I can take a picture for you. Their coloring is starting to change. Some little darker than others but all have the grayish/blue/lavendar crest. Not sure what color you would call it.
Hello All! Just wanted to say how beautiful all your birds are!! Just got my first silkie girl Tuesday..... Now want more! Awsome little chickens!
Guess what I found in the silkie pen today???????????? Yay, a pullet egg!

But I'm not sure my 6 month old "MystyBlue" even laid it.
I have 2 EE pullets that like to hang out in the silkie-section to get away from the bossy big girls. I'm SOOOO confused though because I expected the EE to give me greenish-blue eggs.
Maybe tomorrow I will catch someone in the act of laying to solve this mystery.

Here are some pictures if anyone wants to wager a guess as to WHO laid this little beige egg?
Here is the silkie enclosure with the white and black EE's toward the top. The Easter Eggers are only 19 weeks old and really don't seem red enough to start laying.

You can even see little blood streaks, typical of first eggs

Pullet egg (left) with a comparison to the Buff Orps (right)
Guess what I found in the silkie pen today????????????  Yay, a pullet egg! :celebrate
But I'm not sure my 6 month old "MystyBlue" even laid it. :th I have 2 EE pullets that like to hang out in the silkie-section to get away from the bossy big girls. I'm SOOOO confused though because I expected the EE to give me greenish-blue eggs. :barnie Maybe tomorrow I will catch someone in the act of laying to solve this mystery.

Here are some pictures if anyone wants to wager a guess as to WHO laid this little beige egg?
 Here is the silkie enclosure with the white and black EE's toward the top.  The Easter Eggers are only 19 weeks old and really don't seem red enough to start laying.

  You can even see little blood streaks, typical of first eggs

  Pullet egg (left) with a comparison to the Buff Orps (right)
Looks like every silkie egg I've ever seen :) I doubt it's your EEs.
Ok so regarding my question earlier about chipmunk markings on porcelain. I hatched this guy from a reputable breeder. The egg was marked Por. It has definite markings on its back just like a partridge would but the colors are mixed with lavender and buff shades. The lines were more clear when it was a baby but I think you can still see it now.

Here's a photo of one of mine at birth. Porcelains are a project color and they do not all come out looking the same. They are a work in process.
Ok so regarding my question earlier about chipmunk markings on porcelain. I hatched this guy from a reputable breeder. The egg was marked Por. It has definite markings on its back just like a partridge would but the colors are mixed with lavender and buff shades. The lines were more clear when it was a baby but I think you can still see it now.

I've seen many porcelain chicks that look like that, however with the stripes and the pattern on the wings already, its going to actually be lavender partridge. Also common out of a lot of porcelain pens. :) Porcelain is a project and work in progress, many people are going different directions with their project breeding and there is a huge variance in the chicks, some having partridge backgrounds that randomly pop up and throw lavender partridge
I have decided to post a few pics of my babies (8wks-11 wks) Any guess on gender for the little slash ones? I know it's early I am just trying to see if I am right in the end with my guesses, and yours. Lol!


Same one as above #2


This is my 11 week old Blue boy. Pip

#4 sorry this is blurry.

Any guesses? Take your best shot! Lol!

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