Silkie thread!

some pics from is my splash (Charolette) I am thinking of taking to a show in Sept...and Ginger...the orange frosting girl

This is Ginger and her sister, Mary-Ann...both came from a paint egg...they both have some small paint spots but also both have this 'orange frosting'...only ginger has much more...

Here is you think she is show worthy? Her crest is a little small...



Ginger, and Mary-Ann are always hanging out together...they LOVE each other

Love the BUM shots....

and last but not least is my paint roo...Kel

and in full crow....

sorry about all the pics...and believe me there are MANY

I think Charolette, GInger and Mary Ann definitely have show potential. They are beautiful birds! And I have 5 years of Silkie breeding/showing experience. I know a good silkie when I see one. :)
I was wondering if ya'll could help me choose which ones are the best in type. I am no expert at this and was wanting some experienced opinions.

She is two years old and my first silkie. I love her bunches!

What about the color?

Do you think his comb is too red?

I hope I got pics of all my birds. If there is any that I need to get a different view of I can do that. All of these are about 6 months old except for my buff, of course. I have a lot of males as you can see and I will not need this many so I was wanting to pick out the ones that look the best. Thanks for the advice!
Ohh and sorry for the mess. It had rained a good bit.
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I was wondering if ya'll could help me choose which ones are the best in type. I am no expert at this and was wanting some experienced opinions.

 She is two years old and my first silkie. I love her bunches!

 What about the color?

 Do you think his comb is too red?

I hope I got pics of all my birds. If there is any that I need to get a different view of I can do that. All of these are about 6 months old except for my buff, of course. I have a lot of males as you can see and I will not need this many so I was wanting to pick out the ones that look the best. Thanks for the advice!
Ohh and sorry for the mess. It had rained a good bit.
Is there a colour you want to work with?

In my opinion - a lot seem to have a very long back. I do like their crests though, and the partridge rooster would be my favourite. I am partial to that colour though :p

Best type would be the splash looking one (again IMO) and his comb does look too red to me. His wings look a little loose, but it could be the heat.
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Wow! How does a chicken with a beak like that even survive this long? Looks like an adult bird... How does she eat?
No idea, this is the type of beak that is usually noted at fatal.

I have more pictures with questions! lol

One of my splash chicks has a beak where the 'top' is much longer than 'bottom' and the top is sort of growing over the bottom. Is this something I should be worried about? Maybe trim it shorter? I just noticed it as I was going through my photos. I'm pretty sure the beak is straight, I'll get a better look tomorrow in the daylight to be sure.

I'm also wondering about our black(?) hens. I'm thinking that the one in the right picture is actually a really dark blue? Same hen in the picture on the left side; left side in this picture. The second hen (right side in left picture) with some feathers missing on her head. lol She's a little bit darker. Is she black? I'll take better pictures if these won't cut it.

You can take a file and knock off the end of it. But be really careful. Just keep an eye on how it's fitting together. The one on the right, I might lean towards blue-- looks like I can see a light undercoat. Blacks will be black all the way through. Only you will be able to fluff their feathers and check for grey under it. If they are lighter or grey under, they are blue.

One more question, then I'm done. I promise!

How close to good type is this hen when it comes to the "S" shape? I know she doesn't have enough of a crest or cushion etc. Her tail feathers look a little flat in this picture..normally she carries it a little higher.
Feel free to give any opinions on my pet hen, good and bad!

That's it. I'm done.
She does have the S shape you're looking for-- nice chest and her neck is short and back. (You want the neck and tail so close there is no back being shown and she has that!) But her tail slopes down, and her wings are hanging loose-- and I can't be sure, but the wings don't look like they stack correctly?? You'd have to pull her wings and check them for a split, since that is often what causes that, and this is just ONE snapshot in time, does she always hold her wings like that?? If not, they may be fine. About her tail-- if it were held higher, it would be pretty much perfect. Too small of a crest, but how old is she? You could probably offset her crest with a REALLY amazing rooster that has a nice big crest and throw better babies.

Thank you very much, excellent info w/photos. I just want to give each of those birds a hug...
The first bird is mine, but the last two birds were found here on BYC. My bird gets along fine eating and drinking, but she has a new mama that will be getting her soon.

I was wondering if ya'll could help me choose which ones are the best in type. I am no expert at this and was wanting some experienced opinions.

I hope I got pics of all my birds. If there is any that I need to get a different view of I can do that. All of these are about 6 months old except for my buff, of course. I have a lot of males as you can see and I will not need this many so I was wanting to pick out the ones that look the best. Thanks for the advice!
Ohh and sorry for the mess. It had rained a good bit.
Too many birds in the picture. It's much easier to critique one bird at a time. Set up two or three of your most favorite birds on a stool or in the yard and get a capture of JUST them. Nice and tight/close. I am too overwhelmed! LOL Most of these birds have too long of a back and too long in the neck. The tails and neck feathers should be very close or touching. Tails should be nice and high, necks set back. The rooster that I left the picture up above is the closet I can see... but there may have been others, but like I said, too over whelming for me. ;) But this rooster has a beautiful crest, looks like good wing carriage and a tail that is nice and high-- neck nearly touching tail, and perhaps if he were to stand up and "show" his tail and hackles would actually touch?? If they do, even better! If you have a lot of white males, label them 1-3 (etc) and pick out the ones you think match this look and post them to determine which might be best. See if you can get a shot of them acting natural, with heads held naturally and not too high looking around. (you don't want long necks and sometimes just because a bird is freaked out a bit, he can look crazy with his head sticking way out to look around)
One of my silkie eggs is hatching today (a day early), and ants got inside the egg!

I blew the ants out, and I dusted around and inside the nest, but I ended up taking the mom and eggs out and putting them in the building.

I don't know what attracted the ants... there's no busted eggs or anything.

Anyway, if anyone has any tips, please pass them on. I'm hoping my babies are going to be okay! The one chick is still alive and breathing!
One of my silkie eggs is hatching today (a day early), and ants got inside the egg!

I blew the ants out, and I dusted around and inside the nest, but I ended up taking the mom and eggs out and putting them in the building.

I don't know what attracted the ants... there's no busted eggs or anything.

Anyway, if anyone has any tips, please pass them on. I'm hoping my babies are going to be okay! The one chick is still alive and breathing!

Never had this problem but I have worried about it. Hope everything works out okay!
One of my silkie eggs is hatching today (a day early), and ants got inside the egg!

I blew the ants out, and I dusted around and inside the nest, but I ended up taking the mom and eggs out and putting them in the building.

I don't know what attracted the ants... there's no busted eggs or anything.

Anyway, if anyone has any tips, please pass them on. I'm hoping my babies are going to be okay! The one chick is still alive and breathing!
OMGosh, that's horrible! I'm glad the chick is still alive, but that is scary! I've no idea what attracted them, either. I've noticed a lot of ants around here-- more so than in past years. I need to get more bait traps set out. I'm a little sick of them! They have been crawling up my trees. Since we haven't had rain in months, I'm not worried about my bait traps being ruined.

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