Silkie thread!

Are they squatting yet??? That's a sure sign, you'll be expecting eggs within a couple weeks of the Squat...Good Luck it'll Happen!!!

I've had chickens before for a while but never heard of the term squatting. Is that where they start checking out nest potentials and play around in them a bit? Or is squatting some new type of move that they do?
Quote: When a pullet is ready to lay, she'll start to squat on the ground when approached by a roo (or you). She's squatting to be bred by dominant members of the flock.

Bath day or Thanksgiving?? :/
Love the pics of both getting a bath...the buff is beautiful and fat...I mean fluffy

Definitely not Thanksgiving! This was the rinse pan. We did use just a regular tub thing for sinks without a plug for the first part. :p Only had one of those, so this was the biggest container we had around after that! Phyllis didn't care ;)
Those bath pictures reminded me of my hen Marble in a bucket so I have to post these. lol
She was soaking her foot in warm water. She seemed to enjoy it so much that she got herself as wet wet as possible. And there really wasn't a whole lot of water in the bucket.

Those bath pictures reminded me of my hen Marble in a bucket so I have to post these. lol
She was soaking her foot in warm water. She seemed to enjoy it so much that she got herself as wet wet as possible. And there really wasn't a whole lot of water in the bucket. :lol:

:love So cute! I normally am not a fan of unbearded, but she's adorable!

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