Silkie thread!

Wow! That's quite the time to wait to see them at their full best.
too may silkies are what dog show people call high fliers they look great as babies or young birds but as adults are just ok so nice here that she has 3 year old bird that are in there prim for showing
[COLOR=800000]Jonah 18 month old Rooster[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800000]Cookie- 2 yr old Hen[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800000]Cocoa 5 month old pullet[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800000]Chocolate - 7 month old pullet[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800000]BuckWheat - 6month old pullet[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800000]Fudge - 6 month old pullet[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800000]Sherb - 1 yr old Rooster[/COLOR]

This has been asked before. I haven't seen it get much bigger after 16 weeks - but I have seen it fill in a bit. I have seen a difference between week 12 and week 16, but after that - nothing that I can notice visually. It could have, but I must not be noticing it very well.

Thank you! I did see it asked a bit earlier but didnt see an answer and gave up searching through the thread, this thread is LONG!!!! LOL

Mine is 10 weeks and not covering the eyes yet, Im sort of hoping it will be a small enough crest at the end I dont have to trim. Im not sure what the standard is here in Australia, over the eyes like you guys seem to be or not like some other countries so not sure what its parents had. The curiousity is killing me LOL

My little partridge silkie Penny at 10 weeks
Jonah 18 month old Rooster

Cookie- 2 yr old Hen

Cocoa 5 month old pullet

Chocolate - 7 month old pullet

BuckWheat - 6month old pullet

Fudge - 6 month old pullet

Sherb - 1 yr old Rooster

Always enjoy seeing photos of your beauties!!
Wow! That's quite the time to wait to see them at their full best.
I often see a marked improvement in crests between 5 - 7 months.
I'm betting your Australian standard is more like the European one (I know that is the case with a lot of large fowl breeds) and if so, you won't get the kind of crazy, blinding crests bred for in America. In fact, in Europe, you will be DQ'd for a crest that blocks/obstructs vision. Personally, I LOVE the look of the bird you have posted. There is a load of personality in that photo!
Dwegg I got lav splits, lavender and porcelian to hatch fom catdance 8 total. I was hoping for more lavenders put I'm really excited for the porcelian. The 4 lav splits are from her project lavender pen they seem to have partridge markings. You must be excited about your chicks I have some beautiful splash from a breeder in california. How many eggs are you trying to hatch? Good luck!

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