Silkie thread!

Just curious how you know it's a boy?
Very nice flock!
It takes a lot less than this thread to make me want more

That grey chick looks cuckoo. Any chance it is?
What color is that pale partridge?
Is she more the color of the first or second photo? Love the stance on hen #2!
ya it kinda a red partrdge
Just curious how you know it's a boy?
I could still be wrong but the skin where the wattles would grow is mulberry color, same with my other splash chick. All the other chicks still have black skin there. His comb is also much bigger than the rest. His body shape even looks like he's a small rooster. I see him bossing some of the other chicks around acting all manly... But, I could be wrong. They're still fairly young.
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a boy with this one!

Maybe I should take some close ups of his face.
Ok, so is this one a boy? I'm thinking yes.


Color of wattles, boy?

More wattles.



And this is where you experts get to tell me if this is a split wing??

And how bad are those two inner toes?

With feet and wings like that, would he be worthy of breeding? He's only 10 weeks old, should I wait and see?

Either way, he's a cutie pie.

I think I'll call him Ace Ventura.


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