Silkie thread!

Sheeshshe- have you tried a broad spectrum antibiotic? There are viruses out there that can do the dangdest things to chickens. Wild birds will carry who knows what in and all it takes is that one with the funny mutation of whatever to completely stump everyone. Or one or two birds in your flock who are particularly vulnerable for whatever reason. Had that happen to my polish. She refused to eat and got this neurotic tic where she'd rub her face on the floor for hours. He comb started bleeding she was rubbing so much. She couldn't walk either. We treated her and hand fed her baby bird food for a week and she improved but the brain damage was permanent and we ended up having to put her down. Vet never did figure out what it was. And it was an avian specialist too, so...
I may have an antibiotic powder here. I don't want to give it unless it is really needed, then we can't eat the eggs. I guess what I need to figure out is, is this a communicable disease or is this somethign else? FWIW, the silkie that died and the dominique that died are in separate coops. I am not sure which silkie it was, if it was sardine, then she's gotten cocci twice prior to this, if it was snowcone, then it was the first time. maybe it wasn't cocci at all. I don't know. what happened was I thougth it was the new chickens I brought in that got cocci from my soil and they weren't adapted the the strains in my soil. so I separated them and treated them only bc I didn't want to treat all of them again. Maybe I should have. Maybe it wasn't even the new ones and it was the splash all along. Bc as soon as I took the new ones out, NOBODY was pooping blood anymore, so I really have no idea who it was. maybe it was too late to start treating the splash and others?? although, this was day 5 of treatment. she/he should have been eating by now. I guess I should have kept them inside and not put him back out. IDK. he ate though before I put them back out. is it too cold for them?? IDK! My mind is going crazy trying to figure it all out. L:( my son is going to be SO upset, the silkies are his birthday presents from september.
I just don't know what to do!  My dominique is now gone, my silkie, gone.  What is next? WHAT IS IT?  Is it contagious?  Is it just some fluke incidents? IDK!  I have looked at symptom lists for chickens and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I don't know how to treat.  I don't know what it is.  AM I going to lose EVERYONE??

Is their food bad? IDK!  I go into th LF coop and they're all attcking me like they're hungry, but they have food.  it is not old food, I got it 2 weeks ago and it has stayed dry.

Wasting can be a sign of Mareks or other illnesses. The absolute only way to determine whether a bird has or had Mareks is by autopsy. Vets can not diagnose by symptoms and there is no blood test. They have to examne tissues for tumors.

I can't seem to find anything about necropsy online in the search I just did.  Just in northern maine?  how do I search for that?

Try find out who your state vet is by a google search. That vet should be able to guide you provide guidance on where you can get a necropsy. If you dont have any luck, call your regular vet and ask them. If you still can't get any help, the try your local county cooperative extension office and ask for your poultry specialist. Please let us know how you make out.
Best wishes,
that is all I can find online is the University of Maine in Orono. We have a USM the next town over, but it looks like the only one that does animal testing is up north. I guess I'll have to call UM in Orono and see where there is one near me??
I'm having a hard time between being fluffed up because it is cold outside or fluffed up because they're sick. how do I tell the difference, ya know?? THe other silkies appear fluffed and sleep outside, which could be normal or could be not. how do I know, ya know??
I'm having a hard time between being fluffed up because it is cold outside or fluffed up because they're sick.  how do I tell the difference, ya know??  THe other silkies appear fluffed and sleep outside, which could be normal or could be not.  how do I know, ya know??  
I'm so sorry you're going through this :(

Did you list all the symptoms somewhere?
That is just the thing, I haven't noticed any symptoms. i'm super puzzled. All I've noted with the silkies is just sort of not being as active/fluffing up/hunching over type deal. I haven't noticed anythign else. and the dominique, same dealio. I had NO idea anything was wrong with her at all! well, besides I noticed the other day her comb was lighter, but that happens now and again with chickens. oh and the odd bloody stools a couple of weeks ago in the silkie pen. which went away on their own.... so I thought.

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