Silkie with egg inside


10 Years
Jul 22, 2013
Hello everyone I need your help I have a young silkie pullet who had escape her enclosure and was hanging out with the big hens. Because they weren’t doing nothing to her her I allowed her to stay with my flock but when I pick her up today I notice I was able to feel a fully formed egg inside of her not only that it is so close to the vent. The problem is she seem too young and her pelvic bone hasn’t even move which allow for the egg to go through. I feel bad because I think she was eating the egg layer feed I have for the older hen and know it has cause her to develop to quickly. I don’t know what to do!
Bath her in Epsom salts and warm water, hold a warm washcloth against her belly. Try to relax her so that the egg will come out, how old is she? I don’t know what to do if the pelvic bones haven’t moved but try these things to see if they work.
Hello everyone I need your help I have a young silkie pullet who had escape her enclosure and was hanging out with the big hens. Because they weren’t doing nothing to her her I allowed her to stay with my flock but when I pick her up today I notice I was able to feel a fully formed egg inside of her not only that it is so close to the vent. The problem is she seem too young and her pelvic bone hasn’t even move which allow for the egg to go through. I feel bad because I think she was eating the egg layer feed I have for the older hen and know it has cause her to develop to quickly. I don’t know what to do!
How old is she?

Where are you feeling an egg? Inside the vet, on the outside between her legs...?
Location where you feel the egg please.
Is she pooping?
Please post some photos of the pullet and her poop.

Eating layer feed will not cause a pullet to develop more quickly. Layer feed generally has less protein and more calcium in than chick starter, that's the major differences. A pullet doesn't generally come into lay until her body is mature/developed, layer feed has nothing to do with that.

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