Silkies in Colorado?


Apr 13, 2021
Hi! I’m looking for some white eggs for my flock and I thought it’d be fun to add some silkies. I am also open to ducks….. I would just need to make adjustments for the ducks (silkies not so much).

Hi! I’m looking for some white eggs for my flock and I thought it’d be fun to add some silkies. I am also open to ducks….. I would just need to make adjustments for the ducks (silkies not so much).

I was just getting you the Colorado link and saw you already posted there. ☺️

If no luck here, my best luck is in Facebook poultry groups for my state or area.

You could also search for some on Craig's List or post that you want to buy.

Have you tried googling to see if there's a silky breeder in your area? I did that once and was surprised to find one 45 minutes away. Good luck!
I was just getting you the Colorado link and saw you already posted there. ☺️

If no luck here, my best luck is in Facebook poultry groups for my state or area.

You could also search for some on Craig's List or post that you want to buy.

Have you tried googling to see if there's a silky breeder in your area? I did that once and was surprised to find one 45 minutes away. Good luck!
I did google! There’s one but it says like $60 for a silkie 🙄 I think I’m actually leaning towards ducks now anyways! I like high egg producers because my family alone eats 10 eggs a day lol has silkies available now. If you are okay with unsex silkies, you can get them at a very low investment. However, if you want female coverage (able to return for store credit if a rooster, it is $30 and of course if you want DNA sexing service it is much higher. If you can't have roosters, I would purchase (2) or more silkies per 1 you want with female coverage (50% chance could be a boy) and once you discover which ones end up being roosters, return them and pick up some organic feed for the females you keep.
I did google! There’s one but it says like $60 for a silkie 🙄 I think I’m actually leaning towards ducks now anyways! I like high egg producers because my family alone eats 10 eggs a day lol
Ducks are a very personal choice for sure. I find chickens to be easier if you don't live where the ducks can swim in a pond. I watched a neighbor's ducks once and after that experience of them continuously pooping in their waterer and having to clean it out multiple times a day, I confirmed I am a full fledge chicken fan as they are not as messy. If you have a pond on your property it might be a better experience for you. If lots of eggs is your goal and you decide to go the chicken route, speckled sussex, rhode islands, Beilefelders, and barred rocks are some great egg layers at 5-6 eggs a week. Based on your need of 10 eggs a day, I would get about 15 birds to ensure you meet your family needs. Both ducks and chickens decrease egg laying after a few years. It might help to stagger the ages of your flock. For example, purchase 6 or so birds every 6 months so that as one group decreases in eggs, your next set of girls kick in.

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