Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

  • ME! - I like silkies!

    Votes: 796 96.0%
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    Votes: 96 11.6%

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We have a bunch. I don't have a count of how many because I don't want to know. Lol I breed blue, black, splash, grey, and partridge. This is one of my splash babies I hatched out over the summer.
@LadiesAndJane did you have a problem with your single comb Silkie cockerel being picked on? (or anyone else with chick being picked on) My single comb 8 week old is always picked on and chased away even by mother hen now! All the other chickens (besides chicks) don't allow him to roost in the coop at night, but he manages to sneak in after dark and sit on the edge of the door I have seen. All the other chicks roost next to mumma hen or on the roost in front of her. If single comb chick tries to get close she keeps pecking him :(
Not at all. He is the only boy I have and all the girls just put up with him but do not pick on him. Yours is getting picked on probably just because he is young still, poor guy!🥰
There would be more then just 1 cockerel chick so why aren't those ones being picked on too? The other suspect cockerel was snuggled up to mumma hen last night.. Is it just because of the different comb?.. There's no blood so I guess it's ok but sad he is being picked on by the others. Lucky he can get away because hes small enough to hide and can fly high too where the bigger ones can't.

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