Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

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I love your posts - always so informative!!!

Question about split wing. How early can you see it in a chick? A couple of the chicks I have now *might sorta* look like they have it, but it’s hard for me to tell since I’m relatively new to the silkie game, and the only reference I have is the book by Duguay et all (which is great, but I don’t trust my interpretation of all the pics). Also not sure if I should wait until they’re fully feathered out to make judgement calls.

I’m also worried about slipped wing after reading the book…but that’s a whole other thing.

Split wing soon as they get out the baby wing feathers usually. Sometimes not until they start getting full adult feathers around 10-12 weeks.

Angel wing aka slipped wing is more obvious. It's seen more in ducks than chickens I believe.

In split wing the secondaries don't flare out as much as they should sometimes. The missing axial feather really messes it up. This is the only split wing I currently have. It doesn't usually show up in my flock.



Proper wing with axial feather pointed out even if this one is currently a bit ragged.
I sell 8-10 dozen eggs a week.. I have plenty of real chicken eggs..
They are seriously the silliest, derpiest, and most gentle birds you will ever own. I think they add character and entertainment to my flock and since that was why I got chickens I figured they were a perfect addition! :-D I wouldn’t have an all Silkie flock, but a couple of them is fun and they make the best broody mommas if you need that for any reason! Such dedicated and good mommas. 🥰
Just had to share some of the babies since I chimed in today! Betty is not broody right now which is pretty amazing—and she’s looking very shiny white these days despite the heat! The new Satins are filling out so nice! We decided to name the frizzle girl Brillo hehe, and the lavender mottled satin boy is Duke! I'm hoping that Duke will get along well with my Sheri Minkner satin girl Duchess…so he got a name to pair up with hers haha.


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They are seriously the silliest, derpiest, and most gentle birds you will ever own. I think they add character and entertainment to my flock and since that was why I got chickens I figured they were a perfect addition! :-D I wouldn’t have an all Silkie flock, but a couple of them is fun and they make the best broody mommas if you need that for any reason! Such dedicated and good mommas. 🥰
Agreed would never have an all silkie flock, but the chicks sure are funny when they try to fly like the other chicks can 😆 epic fail to try to fly up onto the roost hahaha.
Here's showing an axial feather on an ameraucana. So a picture on a normal feathered wing. The alula feathers are sticking up because of how my fingers are under the wing. View attachment 3578854

This isn’t a condition that is harmful to the bird is it? I have never heard of this split wing thing. Of course my silkies are just pets .

This isn’t a condition that is harmful to the bird is it? I have never heard of this split wing thing. Of course my silkies are just pets .

Doesn't effect quality of life at all. It's just a missing feather on the wings. If you're showing it's a big deal. I've given away pullets before as pets because of the fault. Just like how wrong number of toes doesn't effect them but shouldn't be bred as it too is a disqualification from standard.

Vulture hocks is also a disqualification but doesn't effect them. That's hard feathers at the bend on the leg.

As with many traits, you need to select for or against. Want decent layers? Breed only the ones that lay decently or you will see production go down in future generations.

First and foremost - ABSOLUTELY NO HATING ON SILKIES ALLOWED!!! If you aren’t here to support our fuzzy friends, don’t respond. :)

Silkies get a bad rap for the following:
"Looks like a dust mop"
"Too hard to maintain"
"Poor immune system"
"Dumber than rocks"
"0 predator awareness"
And oh, so much more.

Well my friends - I thought so too, until I actually got silkies for myself. These are some of the most wonderful birds out there.

I’ve found them to be highly heat tolerant, wonderful mothers, having the strongest immune systems in my Bantam flock, GREAT LAYERS (that’s right folks), adorable as all get out, and more. :D

I currently have 9 silkies - and my rooster has been nothing but a gentleman to his ladies. They free range daily and I’ve not had a silkie get killed by a predator yet. My hens average 5 eggs a week - not too bad for a silkie, eh? :)

Most of the time, these silkie haters haven’t even owned the breed, but rather pretend they know everything. :lol:

So... let the fun begin! Support our silkies! :woot

Pictures always welcome. :)

Be mindful, and respect others...

Off-topic discussions are allowed, though try to maintain the subject of silkies.

I just hatched 5 silkie chicks, 4 boys one girl. Two of the boys have light skin. The others all blk skin. The girl is partridge. Two white, one black, and one buff. Adorable. The blk roo is so tiny. But so confident and feisty. Tough Lil birds! 4 weeks old now.


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I just hatched 5 silkie chicks, 4 boys one girl. Two of the boys have light skin. The others all blk skin. The girl is partridge. Two white, one black, and one buff. Adorable. The blk roo is so tiny. But so confident and feisty. Tough Lil birds! 4 weeks old now.

Give them a few days. Certain colors have lighter skin on hatch. Pink toe tips also happen and usually darken up.

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