Silver Appleyard struggling to pass eggs


Dec 17, 2020
Hi, my Silver Appleyard keeps having problems passing eggs. She has been laying since December and is approximately 10 months old. She started off well and was laying decent sized hard shell eggs every couple of days. Then after a few weeks she laid a couple of soft shell eggs. She now frequently struggles to pass eggs and when she does they are always broken soft shells. She sometimes goes a few weeks without laying any eggs at all, then will lay a couple of "normal" eggs and then the whole thing repeats itself. She is fed a diet of Allen and Page Duck and Goose breeder pellets, has access to oyster shell all the time and enjoys some treats of spinach, lettuce, mealworms and corn in moderation. She has access to a pond, and overnights in a draught free straw lined house. She lives with my drake. I guess my question is what am I doing wrong? I hate seeing her struggle to pass the eggs as she is clearly uncomfortable until it's done and that can take hours. I do wonder if she is overweight? Would that cause the problems I am describing? Also been suggested it could be a vitamin D deficiency, but now the days are getting longer they free range for at least 12 hours a day at the moment, so now doubting this? Also could it be my drake being too enthusiastic in his duties? I am currently building a duck pen in our field to move them into, with a view to getting another couple of girls so he can share his "affections" out a bit more, but I can't do this while they are living in the garden. When she isn't struggling to pass an egg she is very nosey, into everything and regularly legs it across the garden to great the postman so she seems healthy otherwise, and certainly has a good appetite and spends lots of time rooting about looking for snacks or splashing in the pond. I'm really worried that the longer this goes on she will do lasting damage or suffer a prolapse or infection. Any help gratefully received!
Hey, it sounds like you are doing just about everything right! Sometimes ducks develop certain deficiencies, my duck Pigeon had egg laying problems for a few weeks so I brought her to the vet, and the vet diagnosed her with a calcium deficiency and prescribed Calcium Citrate + Vitamin D3 pills from Walmart every day long term. She has not had any issues at all since. I would suggest you try to find a local avian vet so they can run the tests they need to and figure out the best solution. Have you tried giving her any extra calcium before? Calcium gluconate from tractor supply is used by a lot of people. Maybe sprinkle some extra mealworms on the pile of oyster shell too.
Hey, it sounds like you are doing just about everything right! Sometimes ducks develop certain deficiencies, my duck Pigeon had egg laying problems for a few weeks so I brought her to the vet, and the vet diagnosed her with a calcium deficiency and prescribed Calcium Citrate + Vitamin D3 pills from Walmart every day long term. She has not had any issues at all since. I would suggest you try to find a local avian vet so they can run the tests they need to and figure out the best solution. Have you tried giving her any extra calcium before? Calcium gluconate from tractor supply is used by a lot of people. Maybe sprinkle some extra mealworms on the pile of oyster shell too.

I have taken my ducks to the vet for struggling to pass eggs and they have recommended calcium supplements. Usually for at least 30 days.
@SolarDuck Do you know the dosage of the calcium citrate? I just picked up a bottle today and it is 630 mg per pill. My duck Tuppins seems to be struggling to lay her egg the last four days and has produced a soft-shelled each time, also late in the afternoon, which isn't like her. I gave her calcium gluconate the last couple of days but I read somewhere that calcium citrate is more absorbable.
@SolarDuck Do you know the dosage of the calcium citrate? I just picked up a bottle today and it is 630 mg per pill. My duck Tuppins seems to be struggling to lay her egg the last four days and has produced a soft-shelled each time, also late in the afternoon, which isn't like her. I gave her calcium gluconate the last couple of days but I read somewhere that calcium citrate is more absorbable.
I buy the pettite pills that are 200mg each, and I give her 2 of them. She is just under 6 lbs and that is what Isaac recommended me, and my vet agreed.

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