Silver Appleyard Tosses One Back - Should we be concerned?


5 Years
Apr 2, 2017
Rockland, Maine
My Coop
My Coop
Hi, All.

So sweet Martha, one of our six silver Appleyard ducks, has always had a very distinctive way of drinking as seen in this video (Martha is on the right behind Mouse, our all-white silver Appleyard):

We've always thought it was adorable, but we recently begun wondering if it was indicative of a problem. We searched some and didn't find anything definitive. Has anyone else seen this in their ducks?

A few details: Martha is our smallest silver Appleyard but also usually the most feisty. She adores food and eats with gusto. She may be our drake's favorite girl. After her first drink, where she tosses her head back, she then drinks normally. The next time she come to the pail, however, 90% of the time she'll toss the first drink back again and then resume drinking normally. She'll be two years old this spring. Here's another short video:

Thanks in advance!
Well if she is almost 2 yrs old and is fine every other way maybe this is just a Martha thing. I haven't ever seen any of mine do that but who to say that isn't normal for Martha. She sure looks healthy.
It is the most adorable thing...well almost as adorable as her running for her soup as soon she hears or catches a glimpse of one of us bringing it out. :) Look at her at ~0.34 here when she hears Mom say "Hey, Ducklings!"

We'll keep an eye on it, but we'll also continue to enjoy her unique personality and behaviour!
Hi, All.

So sweet Martha, one of our six silver Appleyard ducks, has always had a very distinctive way of drinking as seen in this video (Martha is on the right behind Mouse, our all-white silver Appleyard):

We've always thought it was adorable, but we recently begun wondering if it was indicative of a problem. We searched some and didn't find anything definitive. Has anyone else seen this in their ducks?

A few details: Martha is our smallest silver Appleyard but also usually the most feisty. She adores food and eats with gusto. She may be our drake's favorite girl. After her first drink, where she tosses her head back, she then drinks normally. The next time she come to the pail, however, 90% of the time she'll toss the first drink back again and then resume drinking normally. She'll be two years old this spring. Here's another short video:

Thanks in advance!

Beautiful ducks, I want some silver Appleyards now after seeing yours
It is the most adorable thing...well almost as adorable as her running for her soup as soon she hears or catches a glimpse of one of us bringing it out. :) Look at her at ~0.34 here when she hears Mom say "Hey, Ducklings!"

We'll keep an eye on it, but we'll also continue to enjoy her unique personality and behaviour!
How adorable! I love your flock.

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