Silver Laced Wyandotte Roo X Barred Rock Hen - Black Sex Link?


6 Years
Feb 10, 2013
Waco, TX
As the topic of the thread has suggested, does a SLW Roo and a BR hen make a black sexlink? The outcome so far has been a solid black chick (female?), black feet and legs and solid black beak. We have a couple other eggs of this cross that have a few days until their hatch date.

Attached is a picture of the chick.
From a forum post:

few specifics to remember about a black sex-linked cross are:

1) the female must carry sex-linked barring (barred),

2) the male can not carry sex-linked barring (male can not be barred),

3) one of the birds must be homozygous for extended black or carry two extended black genes and

4) neither of the birds can carry dominant white or in other words be a white bird. Some recessive white birds may work on the male side of the cross but you never know if it will work or not work. So I suggest not using white birds.
Yes, you'll get black sex links. Solid head chicks are female (yea!) and white/cream spots are male. The female chicks will probably be black with silver leakage around the throat when they mature.
Awesome! Thank you both! :) I have been wanting a black hen and she is so precious. I don't think you could get more solid black than that.
Just remember that you can't use your new hen to make more sex links! You'd have to use the same rooster and hen to make more. There are no second generation sex link chickens.
I just hatched a chick with this cross and am curious to see if you have other photos of your SLW roo and Barred Rock hen crosses. See what I have in store :0)

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