Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster???


9 Years
May 10, 2010


He was a "surprise" baby chick from the local farm store. He has more black than the pics I've seen of SLW Roos.
That's not a silver laced wyandotte. For a wyandotte, you should have a rose comb (singles are rare), and yellow legs, and lacing on the feathers.

What you've got looks more like a mottle bird than a laced. Maybe its an Ancona? I'm not very familiar with them, but that's my best guess.
We are new to chickens and have a lot to learn. His chest feathers looked liked the Wyandottes so that was what we were guessing. As a baby chick, he didn't look like any of the other baby chicks. I told DH when he brought all the chicks home I didn't want to keep any roosters. But since he looked so different, he was the first to get a name (Cow, since he was black and white) and everyone got attached to him. And of course once he started trying to crow, everyone really thought he was cute. I sure hope he doesn't develop a mean streak and end up needing a nice hot soak in a pot. I doubt my kids would forgive me!
We just looked at pics of an ancona chick and the 1st thing my son said was "hey that looks like Cow."
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