Single Duckling

Miss Ducky

9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
Is it inhumane to keep a single duckling (when you can get more) if you spend lots of time with them and put them with the rest of your flock when they are old enough? Just wondering
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I think it is fine, as long as you interact a lot with it. You don't have to hold it all the time, just being next to it in the room and talking is all it needs. It will imprint on you and think it is human, until it gets with the flock. Then it can even be helpful to have a duck that is imprinted.
Lucky is 2 monthes old now, and we just recently got her a boyfriend. She was not a lonely duck before though. We were with her in the yard whenever we were at home. She comes into the house every morning to say hi before returning to her pen for breakfast. She is a definite human though, I took her to meet my daughter's pre-k class, and she just walked allong in the middle of the pack of kids like they were her flock. I woas not going to keep her single for very long, but for a short time, I saw no ill effects.

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