Single peacock - will it need a companion?


10 Years
Nov 30, 2013
Pottstown, PA
We have an extra peacock and I found someone that wants to buy him. If they cage him (not free range) should he have a companion ? Assuming no extra peahens are available, what kind of bird would do well with him (not hurt the peacock or get hurt by him). Would a rooster (chicken), pheasant or guinea work?
hi, I have peas and chickens. peas are in a large pen due to how far they range but chickens are free ranged. my peacock was let out about a week ago and to our laughter started following the chickens around, just went and joined them. BUT - after about 10 minutes the rooster attacked the peacock and they started fighting... immediately separated them and put the peacock back in...

idk if they would have just fought once to establish pecking order or if it would have gotten worse or been many fights. but that's what happened when we let our peacock hang out with the chickens.
If you have an older hen they won't hurt them. I have an old bantam Golden Laced Cochin that gets along with my male. Roosters won't help. My peacock would attack my rooster at any moment he got the chance.

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Yep. She sleeps on that pile of wool and he sleeps right next to the wool pile. Since she is old she no longer lays eggs so I don't worry about eggs. She's a pet hen that I have. She's 10 years old now. My male is 3 years soon to be 4 years in September.
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