Sinus infection in older rooster


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
I have an older mixed breed bantam rooster, he will be six years old in July. Aboutsix wees ago, he developed a swollen eye with infected material in it. I know this is not too uncommon but I didn't have the nerve to try to remove the material myself, so I took him to a vet, assuming it would be an easy fix. She thought it would be an easy fix, too. She removed the infected material which was quite deep, they had to make an incision to squeeze all of it out. Then, she put him on oral antibiotics (Tylan) but no topical and said he should be fine. He wasn't. Two weeks later, he was no better (he was also sneezing) so I asked if we should switch to Oxytet oral antibiotic, to which she agreed. It did help some, he is much improved. After 2.5 weeks on that, I decided to take him off of it (the vet was on a two week vacation, I wasn't aware she was leaving). He seemed much improved, but still sneezed occasionally. Now, he has a lump under the incision they had made in his face to remove the pus. I am not sure if the lump is just scar tissue from the little surgery they did, or if it's additional infection under the skin. He's still sneezing, and I noticed he had some foam in his eye, so I got some Terramycin eye gel and have been using that for the past few days. The foam has disappeared and the lump had collapsed slightly. He seems in super health otherwise, he's bright eyed, cheerful, of good weight, shiny feathers. I called the vet again and she said she didn't feel a nasal flush would do anything, although at first she said it might help. Now her solution is to "wait several weeks to see how he is". I really don't want to wait several weeks, I want to nip this in the bud before it flares up again, if it's going to, and let him out if he can get over it. Historically, this little rooster has always sneezed off an on, for as long as I can remember, but he has never had a visible/ noticeable sinus infection before, so, in the past, when he sneezed off and on, usually in hot dry summer weather, I just assumed he probably had dust allergy and figured it was no big thing, which it never has seemed to be, til now. No one else in the flock has ever shown these symptoms so I am pretty sure he is not contagious. He is dying to get out of his hospital pen, and I don't blame him. Anyone have any insight on this? If so, please share.
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If you are sure that he is not contagious, why is he being kept in a hospital pen? Are others picking on him? If the sneezing is truly an allergy it probably would be better to get him in a different environment. Is the lump better, worse or the same? Hope your roo is better soon.
Has there evr been a bad odor from his face or beak? Coryza can also cause a swollen eyelid with pus. Also a peck wound to the eye or getting a foreign body in the eye, could cause that. Tylan and oxytetracycline are good treatments for mycoplasma, but for an infected eye or coryza, SMZ TMP (similar to Bactrim,) and sulfadimethoxine are good medicines to treat those. Since he has been around the flock before, they have probably already been exposed at the same time. So I would either cage him in with the others, which would make medicating him easier, or add him back. The vet could have taken a culture of what he had in his eye or sinus, to find out what it was.
Yes, I'm considering just letting him back out. I have concerns for him, because of his long time in confinement. I actually have a friend who would like to have him, which would solve the pecking order problem he will face, but I'm reluctant to let her have him without being absolutely sure that he is not contagious or that it will not come back. No he's never had a bad odor from his face or beak. I don't think it is a peck wound although I did think that at first. He IS is a hospital that yes, it was easier to medicate him. Right now he is off of everything except the antibiotic eye drops and gel.
I don't know why the vet didn't do a culture, but I'm guessing she didn't want to amp up the cost, because that is an expensive procedure.

He is getting stronger all the time, crowing, eating well, wanting out. The lump is still there, I have been applying the antibiotic eye gel on the lump as well as his eye, and the lump does seem to have shrunk slightly. . I did notice a tiny smear of blood on the side of his waterer two days ago. Not sure where that came from I have not seen any before or since.

Chickens are a mystery though. As soon as I can I will get somebody to help me look in his mouth, but I don't expect to see anything. We didn't before.

That's one reason why I don't often consult a vet for a chicken. Basically, my experience has been that they seem to be as mystified as everybody else.

I don't think it is Coryza either because he just has never really been sick. He was a little quiet when his eye was worse, that's all. And if it was Coryza, you'd think someone else in the flock would have contracted it at some point. Considering that he has always sneezed off and on and never acted ill, neither has anyone else had those symptoms for the past six years, I'd say no. I think I might have some Sulfa actually...I'll have to look and see.
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If you are sure that he is not contagious, why is he being kept in a hospital pen? Are others picking on him? If the sneezing is truly an allergy it probably would be better to get him in a different environment. Is the lump better, worse or the same? Hope your roo is better soon.
He's in a hospital pen so that I can medicate him. I couldn't go out and catch him in the flock every day. And some of his medicine was in his drinking water...the flock didn't need that.

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