skeletonized wings


12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
Dallas TX
what would cause this:

this is the chick I am having trouble with. She has gotten much stronger and can now fly & perch on the top of her hospital brooder. but her wings look very strange. all the other chix wings are fully feathered but hers look like porqupine quills. thanks!
She's just slower to feather. Maybe give her some extra protein, like chopped hardboiled egg and vitamins in her water. I've seen lots like that, especially the cockerels. Don't worry too much! She'll catch up.
slystr, I agree with additional protein to speed up feather production. Sounds like the peep is doing well, I hope the others will get along with the peep when returned to the flock.

Those are normal feathers that have not yet had the growing sheath removed. Like everyone else said, it should be fine. Normally the sheath kinda flakes off at the skin so you wouldn't notice it, but perhaps because your chick had some issues the sheath isn't flaking properly. It will come off with time.

Pretty color chick!


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