skin infection?Advice Needed


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I have a hen(black bantam cochin-4 yrs old always been healthy except this summer I have been battling the mites on some of them) that appears to have a skin infection. It is above her tail and on her tail and on her below all that area. Like the back 1/3 of her. I believe she got it because she had mites and there was some open sores from them. Her skin is red and hard and inflamed in these areas. It is pretty inflamed in spots like on her tail area. Has anyone had any experience treating skin infections. I think she needs an antibiotc and wondering what kind. I am thinking ammoxicylin from something I read somewhere but I do not know where to get this without a prescription? Wpould peenicylin be ok? Or someone know where I can get ammoxicylin. ? Or any reference to skin infections in chickens? Thanks for reading this and hopefully I can get some advice. I really dont want to lose her.

eta(It feels like all the skin there is about 1/8-1/4 inch thick and the other parts of her body the skin is normal and thin.)
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Aww, poor hen!

I hope someone can help you. Pictures might help people get an idea of what you are dealing with!
I have to go to the store to get cds of my pictures before I can load them on the computer. Anybody have any suggestions? About the hen?
Could it be feather cysts? They are the equivalent of ingrown hairs on humans, feathers being bigger of course. Try googling "feather cysts" and read if that's what it is. There have been a few posts here in BYC about them as well.
Thanks dawg53 There is a bit of reading material there. I may be on the right path. Not sure if it is feather cysts but could be close. So far it looks like I could give her some extra vitamins , and not sure. I will follow the link.
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Good link I think I found what I am looking for.

Has anyone used gentamycin sulfate cream on chicken and?or does anyone know where to get it?

Would triple antibiotic ointment that you can buy at store be the same?
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It looks like gentamicin sulfate cream specifically targets contageous impetgo whereas the triple antibiotics are just general purpose antibiotics. I dont know if a presciption is needed, but the gentamicin sulfate cream can be purchased online.
I couldnt get a hold of any gentimicin cream. But, I was reading a page on an Avian site that said something about soaking in a weak % solution of Hydrogen Peroxide to water. Something like 3%. So I soaked her in it for 1/3 hour last night and I noticed today her skin is less inflamed. It still has a way to go. I bought her some udder balm (ingredients=8-Hydroxyquinoline,lanolin,wax,oil of clove, sodium Borate and isopropyl alcohol). ,,,for prolonged antiseptic contact. I will apply some later tonight. After I do another soaking in dilute peroxide water bath.

eta She isnt eating very much. Maybe I will try some oatmeal with probiotics in it. The only thing I have seen her eat is some newspaper that she is standing on. Dont worry its clean and has soy based ink. But I hardly think that will nourish her.
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Do you think it is a staph infection? Does she show systemic signs of being sick? IF you think it is a staph infection be very careful to wear gloves as it may be transmissible to you.

Also be aware that hydrogen peroxide will inhibit wound healing if used long term. It is great for that first cleansing though.
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