Skinny duck... Not growing as much!

Apr 15, 2021
Hi, I just recently got a hold of 3 runner ducks. I don't know much about them, and two are gaining weight much faster than one. She is significantly skinnier than the other two. Something i should be worried about? I'm kinda freaking out!!!
Birds that appear to be growing at a slower rate, or where you're unsure they're eating enough, I usually recommend weighing them on a gram scale daily. Weighing daily gives a little further insight into how much weight the duckling is putting on, and can help determine if treatment is effective.

It is not uncommon out of a brood to receive a runt duckling that didn't absorb enough egg yolk during hatching, or suffered from some sort of problem early on that has stunted its growth. Poultry vitamins such as Sav-A-Chick, or poultry Nutri-dench can often at correcting these problems.

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