Skunk attack please help immediately

Beloved Turkey

Apr 3, 2023
My chic lens were attacked last night, does anyone know what I can do for our survivor. Would you try saving her or would you put her down. She has skin ripped of her head, and some by one f her eyes. Does anyone know what we can do with the pics by her eye


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I would definitely try saving her, as she appears alert from the photos. Keep her wounds clean, apply blu kote, separate her from her flockmates to ensure they can't peck at her wounds. I recommend a playpen tent for dogs lined with newspaper, they're pretty good at keeping flies away from injured birds. Tomorrow, try giving her supervised playtime with the rest of the flock so you can prevent bullying. Keep doing this until you feel confident she can assimilate back into the flock.
I would definitely try saving her, as she appears alert from the photos. Keep her wounds clean, apply blu kote, separate her from her flockmates to ensure they can't peck at her wounds. I recommend a playpen tent for dogs lined with newspaper, they're pretty good at keeping flies away from injured birds. Tomorrow, try giving her supervised playtime with the rest of the flock so you can prevent bullying. Keep doing this until you feel confident she can assimilate back into the flock.
Ok thank you so much for responding, I’ve already separated her, she’s not eating or drinking so I put some water down her throat and I was wondering if I should do the same with baby food. She’s been pretty still lately, but I’ll still try giving her play time
Ok thank you so much for responding, I’ve already separated her, she’s not eating or drinking so I put some water down her throat and I was wondering if I should do the same with baby food. She’s been pretty still lately, but I’ll still try giving her play time
Try some sugar water - she may like that better and it will help treat her for shock.

1 C. Warm water - not hot
2 tsp. Granulated sugar
1/8 tsp. Salt
I’ll try it thank you for the help
I would also just keep her still and quiet away and from the others for now. She needs time to get over the trauma of being attacked. She will probably lay still for a day or two. Drinking is the first priority, then eating. Keeping the wound clean and covered in antibodtic ointment is paramount. Cut any feathers away so they don't stick in the wound while it is healing. My LC took 3 full months to heal, but the laceration to her neck was very deep. If the eye is affected, try to get some eye antibiotic ointment, if you can't get that, normal triple antibiotic will do - use something that does NOT have pain relief in it.

If she doesn't respond to her normal feed, try making it into a mash by adding water. Many chickens respond well to boiled/poached eggs, tuna fish or other meats for protein. Mine absolutely HATE tuna fish, but will devour poached eggs, organ meats, etc. LC was particularly found of watermelon and tomato when she first started eating after her attack. Just don't over do the watermelon b/c it can lead to diarrhea b/c of the amount of fiber in it. It does have great water and electrolytes though, so some is good.

She will poop in relation to the amount of food she is ingesting, so don't be alarmed if she doesn't poop while she is not eating or if the poop is watery b/c all she is ingesting is water/liquids.

I hope she makes a full and quick recovery.
I would also just keep her still and quiet away and from the others for now. She needs time to get over the trauma of being attacked. She will probably lay still for a day or two. Drinking is the first priority, then eating. Keeping the wound clean and covered in antibodtic ointment is paramount. Cut any feathers away so they don't stick in the wound while it is healing. My LC took 3 full months to heal, but the laceration to her neck was very deep. If the eye is affected, try to get some eye antibiotic ointment, if you can't get that, normal triple antibiotic will do - use something that does NOT have pain relief in it.

If she doesn't respond to her normal feed, try making it into a mash by adding water. Many chickens respond well to boiled/poached eggs, tuna fish or other meats for protein. Mine absolutely HATE tuna fish, but will devour poached eggs, organ meats, etc. LC was particularly found of watermelon and tomato when she first started eating after her attack. Just don't over do the watermelon b/c it can lead to diarrhea b/c of the amount of fiber in it. It does have great water and electrolytes though, so some is good.

She will poop in relation to the amount of food she is ingesting, so don't be alarmed if she doesn't poop while she is not eating or if the poop is watery b/c all she is ingesting is water/liquids.

I hope she makes a full and quick recovery.
Thanks for all the advice.

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