skunk habits


6 Years
Apr 17, 2018
Jackson, NJ
My garage door was open at the bottom about 2-3 inches. About 8:30pm I saw a furry thing squeezing itself under going into the garage. I saw some white by the tail and I'm assuming it was a skunk. I want to close the door all the way but I don't want to close it in the garage. I thought skunks were mostly nocturnal. What would be the best time for me to close the door? The garage is packed with storage stuff so it would not be easy to go in to look for it.
This time of year, skunks are looking for places to stay in. You may want to set up a trail camera to see if it is still coming and going. Chances are that the skunk may still be in there.
Close the door and put a small pile of food on the floor. If the skunk is still there, the food will be gone in the morning. Once you determine if it's there, either set a cage or open the door with a trail of food down the driveway. Either a camera or sentry duty to confirm it's gone.
Close the door a couple hours after dark and put out a bowl of water and cat food inside garage. If skunk not out, odds are it will go after food and water provided. Keep door closed a couple nights to make certain. Do not rule possibility of more than one skunk. I have gotten into what amount to communal dens when I though only one was present.

Do not close door fully too early as they do not always come out immediately after sun down.

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