Sleeping on Coop Floor because of Bullying


Premium Feather Member
Oct 15, 2022
Mountville, SC
My Coop
My Coop
As a matter of background, all 9 hens and 2 roosters have been brought up together and are 7-months old. I have hens in one coop (Molly my Delaware and Snowtop one of my barred rocks), and the rest of the hens in the other coop (Stella & Henrietta - the Australorps, the other barred rock, Abby, my Speckled Sussex, Lucy and the three silkies, Beyonce, Nugget and Chicken Little). Both coops are in the same run. The problem is in the coop of six. Chicken Little has always been at the bottom of the pecking order, but until recently she has been able to roost at night if I put her in the right place. Of late, all of the hens are pecking at her and they can all reach her - or if they can't, they go out of their way to do so. I moved her to the coop of two, but she just sits at the door and pecks at the door - she did it for hours before I moved her back. She sleeps on the floor of the coop now. I tried to move her to a nesting box, but she goes back to the floor. I can't isolate the bullies - they are all doing it. I am thinking I should give the silkies a coop of their own. Help please, I feel so bad for her.
The coop with the six is 5x5, and the one with two hens is 4x3. Going back to the coop with the problem, there is 12 feet of roosting bar space (4 feet each - 3 roosting bars on two levels). Only one bird uses the second and third roosting bar. I think there is enough space, but the bars are too close together. Maybe I should make a roosting bar separator.
The coop with the six is 5x5, and the one with two hens is 4x3. Going back to the coop with the problem, there is 12 feet of roosting bar space (4 feet each - 3 roosting bars on two levels). Only one bird uses the second and third roosting bar. I think there is enough space, but the bars are too close together. Maybe I should make a roosting bar separator.
That will probably help, making a separator - or moving the bars farther apart or to a different location.
Unfortunately, we humans can't correct their pecking order. They have to work it out for themselves. All we can do is manage their environment and housing to help alleviate problems.
That will probably help, making a separator - or moving the bars farther apart or to a different location.
Unfortunately, we humans can't correct their pecking order. They have to work it out for themselves. All we can do is manage their environment and housing to help alleviate problems.
Thank you
Was there a solution for her? Is she doing better?
Thank you for asking. Yes, I have a temporary solution - I put garden clips (2) on the roosting bar next to her and the next parallel bar (basically anywhere a chicken could reach her), and it is working. In a few weeks, I will have a large coop (adapting a shed). I am getting rid of my two prefab coops - that were expensive, but, lesson learned. This will give everyone a lot of space and no one will be able to get to her.

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