Small Duckling Acting Off


Premium Feather Member
Dec 19, 2021
Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Hi! I just got 6 ducklings yesterday morning in the mail from Metzer hatchery, they hatched Tuesday morning. All were doing well yesterday, then today I noticed one of my Welsh Harlequins acting off. She’s the smallest out of the bunch, too small it seems. She’s constantly chirping, it’s pretty non stop unless they’re sleeping or I’m holding her. She doesn’t seem to have an appetite, but she will occasionally drink. Her droppings are mostly urates, with sometimes some solid in them. Also, she just stands around chirping and doesn’t seem to be too strong. The others are much more active and jostle her around, sometimes I’ve seen some pecking her, I believe. What can I do? What’s wrong? I really don’t want to lose her.😞 I’ve given her some Nutri-Drench, and syringed about 2mls of very watered down feed.
She sure is tiny. How many times did you give her Nutridrench?
Have you contacted Metzers? I would let them know. Can you set her up with her own brooder inside your brooder it doesn't have to be big but this will keep her from being trampled and and pecked. a small container would work. def be very careful using a syringe tiny drops at a time and watch she swallows after each time.
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Have you contacted Metzer? She does look way too tiny...
I haven’t contacted them…so what would I contact them for exactly? Letting them know one may not make it?
She is way too tiny.
Be careful with the syringe feeding so she doesn't aspirate Keeping my fingers crossed that she makes it.
Ok, I’ll be careful! I just don’t know how else to get food into her.
I hope she makes it too. 🤞
She sure is tiny. How many times did you give her Nutridrench?
Twice, a few drops each time.
Have you contacted Metzers? I would let them know.
I haven’t, and I will!
Can you set her up with her own brooder inside your brooder it doesn't have to be big but this will keep her from being trampled and and pecked. a small container would work.
I will do that, I’d be more comfortable doing it. How do I do that with a brooder plate though? Or do I just take it out and use a heat lamp instead?
def be very careful using a syringe tiny drops at a time and watch she swallows after each time.
Thanks! I will be!
I haven’t contacted them…so what would I contact them for exactly? Letting them know one may not make it?
She is way too tiny.

Ok, I’ll be careful! I just don’t know how else to get food into her.
I hope she makes it too. 🤞
Yes, tell them that she's way too tiny for her breed, and you have a case of failure to thrive. They should send a replacement. Metzer is quite good with this. And you're within the time limit.

Keep giving her the nutri-drench in her water dish. As Miss Lydia said, a separate brooder would help, even if you have to use a heat lamp for it.
Yes, tell them that she's way too tiny for her breed, and you have a case of failure to thrive. They should send a replacement. Metzer is quite good with this. And you're within the time limit.
Okay, thank you, I'll have to do this.
But if I get sent a replacement I know there'll have to be another duckling, and I'm not sure if I can have that many for my space. But, I'll probably get a drake and I don't want one, so...
Keep giving her the nutri-drench in her water dish. As Miss Lydia said, a separate brooder would help, even if you have to use a heat lamp for it.
Ok, thank you. :)

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