Small injury on gosling that hatched


Apr 10, 2022
So this is my first time incubating goose eggs or having geese at all, unfortunately only 1 out of the 6 shipped Sebastopol goose eggs hatched but I ordered 2 other buff goslings to go with this one that will be here any day now. And for now I have some freshly hatched call ducklings or some slightly older call ducklings

He/she is a blue Sebastopol and just hatched today. I noticed this small injury on the cloaca (hard to get the right angle so I had to temporarily hold him/her upside down)

Any ideas on how I can help or what could have gone wrong? The pictures are a little graphic so be warned


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That looks pretty bad……… I don’t know what you should do, but maybe take it to the vet?
Unfortunately there is no poultry vets in my area. many people complain about this and have a lot of problems that can’t be brought to the vet because there is none.

So far I’m thinking it might be an issue with the cloaca being enlarged and somewhat inside out, so I may see if the swelling will go down and hopefully it will be fine, but any advice is appreciated
Unfortunately there is no poultry vets in my area. many people complain about this and have a lot of problems that can’t be brought to the vet because there is none.

So far I’m thinking it might be an issue with the cloaca being enlarged and somewhat inside out, so I may see if the swelling will go down and hopefully it will be fine, but any advice is appreciated
So, like a prolapse? That’s not good. I wish you luck :fl
So, like a prolapse? That’s not good. I wish you luck :fl
Yeah could be, and thank you I’m going to do my best, it’s a pretty small injury so I think it will end up being ok I’m just wondering if there’s anything that can be done in case it’s more serious than it looks (it’s a smaller injury than it looks in the picture)
Keep it clean, and don’t let it dry out. Rinse with saline and gently massage it back inside. Don’t let it stay outside the body and dry up. THAT will be a problem. Monitor the gosling to ensure that it doesn’t come out again.
Keep it clean, and don’t let it dry out. Rinse with saline and gently massage it back inside. Don’t let it stay outside the body and dry up. THAT will be a problem. Monitor the gosling to ensure that it doesn’t come out again.
Alright, yeah I will do that. It didn’t seem to be as prolapsed as I’ve seen some other goslings online but it definetely could be an issue if not fixed
Alright, yeah I will do that. It didn’t seem to be as prolapsed as I’ve seen some other goslings online but it definetely could be an issue if not fixed
Yes, it doesn’t look too serious, but you need to get that worked back inside before bacteria hits it. Once it’s back in, your gosling will be fine. Just monitor for awhile to make sure it stays in.
Yes, it doesn’t look too serious, but you need to get that worked back inside before bacteria hits it. Once it’s back in, your gosling will be fine. Just monitor for awhile to make sure it stays in.
Yeah I’m going to do that. Right now it’s staying in the incubator so it stays moist and I’m going to work that back in

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